On Tue, Aug 13, 2019 at 1:58 PM Michael Paquier <mich...@paquier.xyz> wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 11, 2019 at 03:59:06PM -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> > I hacked temp.sql to print a couple different plans (doing it that way,
> > rather than manually, just to ensure that I was getting plans matching
> > what would actually happen right there).  And what I see, as attached,
> > is that IOS and plain index and bitmap scans all have pretty much the
> > same total cost.  The planner then ought to prefer IOS or plain on the
> > secondary grounds of cheaper startup cost.  However, it's not so hard
> > to believe that it might switch to bitmap if something caused the cost
> > estimates to change by a few percent.  So probably we should write this
> > off as "something affected the plan choice" and just add the ORDER BY
> > as you suggest.
> That matches what I was seeing, except that I have done those tests
> manually.  Still my plans matched with yours.

Here's another one that seems to fit that pattern.


2019-08-11 08:29:11.792695714 +0000
@@ -1622,15 +1622,15 @@
 SELECT typname FROM pg_type WHERE typname LIKE 'int_' AND typname <>
'INT2'::text COLLATE case_insensitive;
- int4
+ int4
 (2 rows)

Thomas Munro

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