On 16.08.2019 11:32, Craig Ringer wrote:

You ignore the costs of evicting non-temporary data from shared_buffers, i.e. contention for space. Also increased chance of backends being forced to do direct write-out due to lack of s_b space for dirty buffers. > In case of pulling all content of temp table in memory (pg_prewarm) global temp table with shared buffers becomes faster.

Who would ever do that?

I decided to redo my experiments and now get different results which illustrates advantages of global temp tables with shared buffer. I performed the following test at my desktop with SSD and 16GB of RAM and Postgres with default configuration except shared-buffers increased to 1Gb.

postgres=# create table big(pk bigint primary key, val bigint);
postgres=# insert into big values (generate_series(1,100000000),generate_series(1,100000000)/100);
INSERT 0 100000000
postgres=# select * from buffer_usage limit 3;
    relname     |  buffered  | buffer_percent | percent_of_relation
 big            | 678 MB     |           66.2 |                16.1
 big_pkey       | 344 MB     |           33.6 |                16.1
 pg_am          | 8192 bytes |            0.0 |                20.0

postgres=# create temp table lt(key bigint, count bigint);
postgres=# \timing
Timing is on.
postgres=# insert into lt (select count(*),val as key from big group by val);
INSERT 0 1000001
Time: 43265.491 ms (00:43.265)
postgres=# select sum(count) from lt;
(1 row)

Time: 94.194 ms
postgres=# insert into gt (select count(*),val as key from big group by val);
INSERT 0 1000001
Time: 42952.671 ms (00:42.953)
postgres=# select sum(count) from gt;
(1 row)

Time: 35.906 ms
postgres=# select * from buffer_usage limit 3;
 relname  | buffered | buffer_percent | percent_of_relation
 big      | 679 MB   |           66.3 |                16.1
 big_pkey | 300 MB   |           29.3 |                14.0
 gt       | 42 MB    |            4.1 |               100.0

So time of storing result in global temp table is slightly smaller than time of storing it in local temp table and time of scanning global temp table is twice smaller!

Konstantin Knizhnik
Postgres Professional: http://www.postgrespro.com
The Russian Postgres Company

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