
Thank you for your review.
I update patch. Please find attached my patch.

> > 2019-04-04 02:39:51.488 UTC  > Query 59 "SELECT
> pg_catalog.set_config('search_path', '', false)"
> The "59" there seems quite odd, though.
Could you explain more detail about this?

"59" is length of protocol message contents. (It does not contain first 1 
This order is based on the message format.

> * What is this in pg_conn?  I don't understand why this array is of size
> +     PGFrontendLogMsgEntry frontend_entry[MAXPGPATH];
>   This seems to make pg_conn much larger than we'd like.
Sure. I remove this and change code to use list.

> Minor review points:
I accept all these review points.

Aya Iwata

Attachment: v7-libpq-PQtrace-output-one-line.patch
Description: v7-libpq-PQtrace-output-one-line.patch

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