
Not this round.

You have registered yourself as a reviewer of this patch since the end
of June.  Could you please avoid that?  Sometimes people skips patches
when they see someone already registered to review it.

Yep. ISTM that I did a few reviews on early versions of the patch, which was really a set of 3 patches.

The patch applies cleanly so I am movingit to next CF.

(FWIW, I still have the same impression as upthread, looking again at
the patch, but let's see if there are other opinions.)

AFAICR, I was partly dissuated to pursue reviews by your comment that somehow the feature had no clear consensus, so I thought that the patch was implicitely rejected.

Although I work for free, I try to avoid working for nothing:-)

It is still unclear from your above comment whether the patch would ever get committed, so this does not motivate spending time on it.


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