The first thing I have to say is that I only have a plain backup file
"with oids" from "PostgreSQL 8.4.2, 32-bit",
from which I should take the contents of some tables.
Any help from someone who was in a similar situation would help me a lot
in resolving this situation.
Thank you Heikki for your solution.
Vladimir Koković, DP senior(69)
Serbia, Belgrade, 18.December 2019
On 18.12.19. 19:34, Heikki Linnakangas wrote:
On 18 December 2019 19:28:07 EET, "gmail Vladimir Koković"
<vladimir.koko...@gmail.com> wrote:
Is there somewhere a script that can do a restore backup file "with
oids" in some newer DB where there is no term "with oids"?
There is nothing automatic, some manual work is needed. A couple of ideas:
1. Install an older version of PostgreSQL that still supports WITH OIDS, and
restore the dump there. Use ALTER TABLE SET WITHOUT OIDS, and dump the database
again (preferably with v12 of pg_dump).
2. Create the table manually, but with a regular oid-type column in place of
the system column. Do a data-only restore.
You didn't mention what format the backup dump is. If it's in custom format,
you can do a data-only restore easily. If it's a text sql file, and it's not
too large, you can load it in a text exitor and edit manually.
- Heikki