On Fri, Jan 3, 2020 at 1:32 PM Robert Haas <robertmh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 3, 2020 at 2:27 PM Chapman Flack <c...@anastigmatix.net> wrote:
> > On 1/3/20 2:11 PM, Robert Haas wrote:
> > > and moving things to another schema does not help with that. It does
> > > potentially help with the namespace pollution issue, but how much of
> > > an issue is that anyway? Unless you've set up an unusual search_path
> > > configuration, your own schemas probably precede pg_catalog in your
> > > search path, besides which it seems unlikely that many people have a
> > > gcd() function that does anything other than take the greatest common
> > > divisor.
> >
> > As seen in this thread though, there can be edge cases of "take the
> > greatest common divisor" that might not be identically treated in a
> > thoroughly-reviewed addition to core as in someone's hastily-rolled
> > local version.
> True, but because of the way search_path is typically set, they'd
> probably continue to get their own version anyway, so I'm not sure
> what the problem is.

Is that right? Default search_path is for pg_catalog to resolve before
public.  Lightly testing with a hand rolled pg_advisory_lock
implementation that raise a notice, my default database seemed to
prefer the build in function.  Maybe I'm not following you.

> There are counter-arguments to that, though. Maintaining a lot of
> extensions with only one or two functions in them is a nuisance.
> Having things installed by default is convenient for wanting to use
> them. Maintaining contrib code so that it works whether or not the SQL
> definitions have been updated via ALTER EXTENSION .. UPDATE takes some
> work and thought, and sometimes we screw it up.

If the external contract changes (which seems likely for gcd) than I
would much rather have the core team worry about this than force your
users to worry about it, which is what putting the function in core
would require them to do (if version < x call it this way, > y then
that way etc).  This is exactly why we shouldn't be putting non
standard items in core (maybe excepting some pg_ prefixed
administration functions).

Now, it's quite unfair to $OP to saddle his proposal and patch with
the broader considerations of core/extension packaging, so if some
kind of rational framework can be applied to the NEXT submission, or a
least a discussion about this can start, those are all good options.
But we need to start from somewhere, and moving forward with, "If it's
not sql standard or prefixed with pg_, it ought not to be in
pg_catalog" might be a good way to open the discussion.


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