Hello Justin,

About this v4.

It applies cleanly.

I'm trying to think about how to get rid of the strange structure and hacks, and the arbitrary looking size 2 array.

Also the recursion is one step, but I'm not sure why, ISTM it could/should go on always?

Maybe the recursive implementation was not such a good idea, if I suggested it is because I did not noticed the "return next" re-entrant stuff, shame on me.

Looking at the code, ISTM that relying on a stack/list would be much cleaner and easier to understand. The code could look like:

    if (first_time)
      initialize description
      set next directory to visit
    while (1)
       if next directory
         init/push next directory to visit as current
       read current directory
         if emty
           pop/close current directory
         elif is_a_dir and recursion allowed
           set next directory to visit
         else ...
           return next tuple

The point is to avoid a hack around the directory_fctx array, to have only one place to push/init a new directory (i.e. call AllocateDir and play around with the memory context) instead of two, and to allow deeper recursion if useful.

Details : snprintf return is not checked. Maybe it should say why an overflow cannot occur.

"bool nulls[3] = { 0,};" -> "bool nulls[3} = { false, false, false };"?


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