On Wed, Jan 22, 2020 at 12:20 PM Robert Haas <robertmh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 22, 2020 at 2:50 PM Magnus Hagander <mag...@hagander.net> wrote:
> > The reasoning that led us to *not* doing that is that it's a one-off
> > operation. That along with the fact that we hope to at some point be
> > able to change the default to chekcsums on  (and t wouldn't be
> > necessary for the transition on->off as that is very fast), it would
> > become an increasingly rate on-off operation. And by adding these
> > flags to the catalogs, everybody is paying the overhead for this
> > one-off rare operation. Another option would be to add the flag on the
> > pg_database level which would decrease the overhead, but our guess was
> > that this would also decrease the usefulness in most cases to make it
> > not worth it (most people with big databases don't have many big
> > databases in the same cluster -- it's usually just one or two, so in
> > the end the results would be more or less the same was we have now as
> > it would have to keep re-doing the big ones)
> I understand, but the point for me is that the patch does not seem
> robust as written. Nobody's going to be happy if there are reasonably
> high-probability scenarios where it turns checksums part way on and
> then just stops. Now, that can probably be improved to some degree
> without adding catalog flags, but I bet it can be improved more and
> for less effort if we do add catalog flags. Maybe being able to
> survive a cluster restart without losing track of progress is not a
> hard requirement for this feature, but it certainly seems nice. And I

It's certainly nice, but that is of course a cost/benefit tradeoff
calculation. Our thoughts on that was that the cost was higher than
the benefit -- which may of course be wrong, and in that case it's
better to have it changed.

> would venture to say that continuing to run without giving up if there
> happen to be no background workers available for a while IS a hard
> requirement, because that can easily happen due to normal use of
> parallel query. We do not normally commit features if, without any
> error occurring, they might just give up part way through the
> operation.

That part I agree with, but I don't think that in itself requires
per-relation level tracking.

> I think the argument about adding catalog flags adding overhead is
> pretty much bogus. Fixed-width fields in catalogs are pretty cheap.

If that's the general view, then yeah our "cost calculations" were
off. I guess I may have been colored by the cost of adding statistics
counters, and had that influence the thinking. Incorrect judgement on
that cost certainly contributed to the decision. back then.

But as noted, work is being done on adding it, so let's see what that
ends up looking like in reality.

 Magnus Hagander
 Me: https://www.hagander.net/
 Work: https://www.redpill-linpro.com/

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