On 2020/02/02 14:59, Masahiko Sawada wrote:
On Fri, 31 Jan 2020 at 02:29, Fujii Masao <masao.fu...@oss.nttdata.com> wrote:

On 2020/01/30 12:58, Kyotaro Horiguchi wrote:
At Wed, 29 Jan 2020 23:16:08 +0900, Fujii Masao <masao.fu...@oss.nttdata.com> 
wrote in

pg_basebackup reports the backup progress if --progress option is
and we can monitor it in the client side. I think that it's useful if
we can
monitor the progress information also in the server side because, for
we can easily check that by using SQL. So I'd like to propose
pg_stat_progress_basebackup view that allows us to monitor the
of pg_basebackup, in the server side. Thought?

POC patch is attached.

| postgres=# \d pg_stat_progress_basebackup
|          View "pg_catalog.pg_stat_progress_basebackup"
|        Column        |  Type   | Collation | Nullable | Default
| ---------------------+---------+-----------+----------+---------
|  pid                 | integer |           |          |
|  phase               | text    |           |          |
|  backup_total        | bigint  |           |          |
|  backup_streamed     | bigint  |           |          |
|  tablespace_total    | bigint  |           |          |
|  tablespace_streamed | bigint  |           |          |

I think the view needs client identity such like host/port pair
besides pid (host/port pair fails identify client in the case of

I don't think this is job of a progress reporting. If those information
is necessary, we can join this view with pg_stat_replication using
pid column as the join key.

Also elapsed time from session start might be

I think that not only pg_stat_progress_basebackup but also all the other
progress views should report the time when the target command was
started and the time when the phase was last changed. Those times
would be useful to estimate the remaining execution time from the
progress infromation.

pg_stat_progress_acuum has datid, datname and relid.

+     if (backup_total > 0 && backup_streamed > backup_total)
+     {
+             backup_total = backup_streamed;

Do we need the condition "backup_total > 0"?

I added the condition for the case where --progress option is not supplied
in pg_basebackup, i.e., the case where the total amount of backup is not
estimated at the beginning of the backup. In this case, total_backup is
always 0.

+             int             tblspc_streamed = 0;
+             pgstat_progress_update_param(PROGRESS_BASEBACKUP_PHASE,

This starts "streaming backup" phase with backup_total = 0. Coudln't
we move to that phase after setting backup total and tablespace total?
That is, just after calling SendBackupHeader().

OK, that's a bit less confusing for users. I will change in that way.

Fixed. Attached is the updated version of the patch.
I also fixed the regression test failure.

+            WHEN 3 THEN 'stopping backup'::text

I'm not sure, but the "stop" seems suggesting the backup is terminated
before completion. If it is following the name of the function
pg_stop_backup, I think the name is suggesting to stop "the state for
performing backup", not a backup.

In the first place, the progress is about "backup" so it seems strange
that we have another phase after the "stopping backup" phase.  It
might be better that it is "finishing file transfer" or such.

-> "starting file transfer"
-> "transferring files"
-> "finishing file transfer"
-> "transaferring WAL"

Better name is always welcome! If "stopping back" is confusing,
what about "performing pg_stop_backup"? So

performing pg_start_backup
streaming database files
performing pg_stop_backup
transfering WAL files

Another idea I came up with is to show steps that take time instead of
pg_start_backup/pg_stop_backup, for better understanding the
situation. That is, "performing checkpoint" and "performing WAL
archive" etc, which engage the most of the time of these functions.

Yeah, that's an idea. ISTM that "waiting for WAL archiving" sounds
better than "performing WAL archive". Thought?
I've not applied this change in the patch yet, but if there is no
other idea, I'd like to adopt this.


Fujii Masao
Advanced Platform Technology Group
Research and Development Headquarters
diff --git a/doc/src/sgml/monitoring.sgml b/doc/src/sgml/monitoring.sgml
index 8839699079..136fcbc2af 100644
--- a/doc/src/sgml/monitoring.sgml
+++ b/doc/src/sgml/monitoring.sgml
@@ -376,6 +376,14 @@ postgres   27093  0.0  0.0  30096  2752 ?        Ss   
11:34   0:00 postgres: ser
+     <row>
+      <entry>One row for each WAL sender process streaming a base backup,
+       showing current progress.
+       See <xref linkend='basebackup-progress-reporting'/>.
+      </entry>
+     </row>
@@ -3515,7 +3523,10 @@ SELECT pg_stat_get_backend_pid(s.backendid) AS pid,
    certain commands during command execution.  Currently, the only commands
    which support progress reporting are <command>ANALYZE</command>,
-   <command>CREATE INDEX</command>, and <command>VACUUM</command>.
+   <command>CREATE INDEX</command>, <command>VACUUM</command>,
+   and <xref linkend="protocol-replication-base-backup"/> (i.e., replication
+   command that <xref linkend="app-pgbasebackup"/> issues to take
+   a base backup).
    This may be expanded in the future.
@@ -4316,6 +4327,143 @@ SELECT pg_stat_get_backend_pid(s.backendid) AS pid,
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 id="basebackup-progress-reporting">
+  <title>Base Backup Progress Reporting</title>
+  <para>
+   Whenever <application>pg_basebackup</application> is taking a base
+   backup, the <structname>pg_stat_progress_basebackup</structname>
+   view will contain a row for each WAL sender process that is currently
+   running <command>BASE_BACKUP</command> replication command
+   and streaming the backup. The tables below describe the information
+   that will be reported and provide information about how to interpret it.
+  </para>
+  <table id="pg-stat-progress-basebackup-view" 
+   <title><structname>pg_stat_progress_basebackup</structname> View</title>
+   <tgroup cols="3">
+    <thead>
+    <row>
+      <entry>Column</entry>
+      <entry>Type</entry>
+      <entry>Description</entry>
+     </row>
+    </thead>
+   <tbody>
+    <row>
+     <entry><structfield>pid</structfield></entry>
+     <entry><type>integer</type></entry>
+     <entry>Process ID of a WAL sender process.</entry>
+    </row>
+    <row>
+     <entry><structfield>phase</structfield></entry>
+     <entry><type>text</type></entry>
+     <entry>Current processing phase. See <xref linkend="basebackup-phases" 
+    </row>
+    <row>
+     <entry><structfield>backup_total</structfield></entry>
+     <entry><type>bigint</type></entry>
+     <entry>
+      Total amount of data that will be streamed. If progress reporting
+      is not enabled in <application>pg_basebackup</application>
+      (i.e., <literal>--progress</literal> option is not specified),
+      this is <literal>0</literal>. Otherwise, this is estimated and
+      reported as of the beginning of <literal>streaming backup</literal>
+      phase. Note that this is only an approximation since the database
+      may change during <literal>streaming backup</literal> phase
+      and WAL log may be included in the backup later. This is always
+      the same value as <structfield>backup_streamed</structfield>
+      once the amount of data already streamed exceeds the estimated
+      total size.
+     </entry>
+    </row>
+    <row>
+     <entry><structfield>backup_streamed</structfield></entry>
+     <entry><type>bigint</type></entry>
+     <entry>
+      Amount of data already streamed. This counter only advances
+      when the phase is <literal>streaming backup</literal> or
+      <literal>transfering wal</literal>.
+     </entry>
+    </row>
+    <row>
+     <entry><structfield>tablespace_total</structfield></entry>
+     <entry><type>bigint</type></entry>
+     <entry>
+      Total number of tablespaces that will be streamed.
+     </entry>
+    </row>
+    <row>
+     <entry><structfield>tablespace_streamed</structfield></entry>
+     <entry><type>bigint</type></entry>
+     <entry>
+      Number of tablespaces already streamed. This counter only
+      advances when the phase is <literal>streaming backup</literal>.
+     </entry>
+    </row>
+   </tbody>
+   </tgroup>
+  </table>
+  <table id="basebackup-phases">
+   <title>Base backup phases</title>
+   <tgroup cols="2">
+    <thead>
+     <row>
+      <entry>Phase</entry>
+      <entry>Description</entry>
+     </row>
+    </thead>
+    <tbody>
+     <row>
+      <entry><literal>initializing</literal></entry>
+      <entry>
+       The WAL sender process is preparing to begin the backup.
+       This phase is expected to be very brief.
+      </entry>
+     </row>
+     <row>
+      <entry><literal>starting backup</literal></entry>
+      <entry>
+       The WAL sender process is currently performing
+       <function>pg_start_backup</function> and setting up for
+       making a base backup.
+      </entry>
+     </row>
+     <row>
+      <entry><literal>streaming backup</literal></entry>
+      <entry>
+       The WAL sender process is currently streaming a base backup.
+      </entry>
+     </row>
+     <row>
+      <entry><literal>stopping backup</literal></entry>
+      <entry>
+       The WAL sender process is currently performing
+       <function>pg_stop_backup</function> and finishing the backup.
+       If either <literal>--wal-method=none</literal> or
+       <literal>--wal-method=stream</literal> is specified in
+       <application>pg_basebackup</application>, the backup will end
+       when this phase is completed.
+      </entry>
+     </row>
+     <row>
+      <entry><literal>transferring wal</literal></entry>
+      <entry>
+       The WAL sender process is currently transferring all WAL logs
+       generated during the backup. This phase occurs after
+       <literal>stopping backup</literal> phase if
+       <literal>--wal-method=fetch</literal> is specified in
+       <application>pg_basebackup</application>. The backup will end
+       when this phase is completed.
+      </entry>
+     </row>
+    </tbody>
+   </tgroup>
+  </table>
diff --git a/doc/src/sgml/protocol.sgml b/doc/src/sgml/protocol.sgml
index 80275215e0..f139ba0231 100644
--- a/doc/src/sgml/protocol.sgml
+++ b/doc/src/sgml/protocol.sgml
@@ -2465,7 +2465,7 @@ The commands accepted in replication mode are:
-  <varlistentry>
+  <varlistentry id="protocol-replication-base-backup" xreflabel="BASE_BACKUP">
     <term><literal>BASE_BACKUP</literal> [ <literal>LABEL</literal> 
<replaceable>'label'</replaceable> ] [ <literal>PROGRESS</literal> ] [ 
<literal>FAST</literal> ] [ <literal>WAL</literal> ] [ 
<literal>NOWAIT</literal> ] [ <literal>MAX_RATE</literal> 
<replaceable>rate</replaceable> ] [ <literal>TABLESPACE_MAP</literal> ] [ 
<literal>NOVERIFY_CHECKSUMS</literal> ]
diff --git a/src/backend/catalog/system_views.sql 
index c9e6060035..dd9f82d48e 100644
--- a/src/backend/catalog/system_views.sql
+++ b/src/backend/catalog/system_views.sql
@@ -1059,6 +1059,21 @@ CREATE VIEW pg_stat_progress_create_index AS
     FROM pg_stat_get_progress_info('CREATE INDEX') AS S
         LEFT JOIN pg_database D ON S.datid = D.oid;
+CREATE VIEW pg_stat_progress_basebackup AS
+        S.pid AS pid,
+        CASE S.param1 WHEN 0 THEN 'initializing'
+                      WHEN 1 THEN 'starting backup'
+                      WHEN 2 THEN 'streaming backup'
+                      WHEN 3 THEN 'stopping backup'
+                      WHEN 4 THEN 'transferring wal'
+                      END AS phase,
+       S.param2 AS backup_total,
+       S.param3 AS backup_streamed,
+       S.param4 AS tablespace_total,
+       S.param5 AS tablespace_streamed
+    FROM pg_stat_get_progress_info('BASEBACKUP') AS S;
 CREATE VIEW pg_user_mappings AS
         U.oid       AS umid,
diff --git a/src/backend/replication/basebackup.c 
index dea8aab45e..ec013fea04 100644
--- a/src/backend/replication/basebackup.c
+++ b/src/backend/replication/basebackup.c
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 #include "access/xlog_internal.h"      /* for pg_start/stop_backup */
 #include "catalog/pg_type.h"
 #include "common/file_perm.h"
+#include "commands/progress.h"
 #include "lib/stringinfo.h"
 #include "libpq/libpq.h"
 #include "libpq/pqformat.h"
@@ -70,6 +71,7 @@ static void parse_basebackup_options(List *options, 
basebackup_options *opt);
 static void SendXlogRecPtrResult(XLogRecPtr ptr, TimeLineID tli);
 static int     compareWalFileNames(const ListCell *a, const ListCell *b);
 static void throttle(size_t increment);
+static void    update_basebackup_progress(int64 delta);
 static bool is_checksummed_file(const char *fullpath, const char *filename);
 /* Was the backup currently in-progress initiated in recovery mode? */
@@ -121,6 +123,12 @@ static long long int total_checksum_failures;
 /* Do not verify checksums. */
 static bool noverify_checksums = false;
+/* Total amount of backup data that will be streamed */
+static int64   backup_total = 0;
+/* Amount of backup data already streamed */
+static int64   backup_streamed = 0;
  * The contents of these directories are removed or recreated during server
  * start so they are not included in backups.  The directories themselves are
@@ -232,6 +240,8 @@ perform_base_backup(basebackup_options *opt)
        int                     datadirpathlen;
        List       *tablespaces = NIL;
+       pgstat_progress_start_command(PROGRESS_COMMAND_BASEBACKUP, InvalidOid);
        datadirpathlen = strlen(DataDir);
        backup_started_in_recovery = RecoveryInProgress();
@@ -241,6 +251,8 @@ perform_base_backup(basebackup_options *opt)
        total_checksum_failures = 0;
+       pgstat_progress_update_param(PROGRESS_BASEBACKUP_PHASE,
        startptr = do_pg_start_backup(opt->label, opt->fastcheckpoint, 
@@ -257,6 +269,7 @@ perform_base_backup(basebackup_options *opt)
                ListCell   *lc;
                tablespaceinfo *ti;
+               int             tblspc_streamed = 0;
                SendXlogRecPtrResult(startptr, starttli);
@@ -358,8 +371,14 @@ perform_base_backup(basebackup_options *opt)
                                pq_putemptymessage('c');        /* CopyDone */
+                       tblspc_streamed++;
+               pgstat_progress_update_param(PROGRESS_BASEBACKUP_PHASE,
                endptr = do_pg_stop_backup(labelfile->data, !opt->nowait, 
        PG_END_ENSURE_ERROR_CLEANUP(do_pg_abort_backup, BoolGetDatum(false));
@@ -385,6 +404,9 @@ perform_base_backup(basebackup_options *opt)
                ListCell   *lc;
                TimeLineID      tli;
+               pgstat_progress_update_param(PROGRESS_BASEBACKUP_PHASE,
                 * I'd rather not worry about timelines here, so scan pg_wal and
                 * include all WAL files in the range between 'startptr' and 
@@ -534,6 +556,7 @@ perform_base_backup(basebackup_options *opt)
                                if (pq_putmessage('d', buf, cnt))
                                                        (errmsg("base backup 
could not send data, aborting backup")));
+                               update_basebackup_progress(cnt);
                                len += cnt;
@@ -609,6 +632,7 @@ perform_base_backup(basebackup_options *opt)
                                 errmsg("checksum verification failure during 
base backup")));
+       pgstat_progress_end_command();
@@ -837,7 +861,10 @@ SendBackupHeader(List *tablespaces)
                        pq_sendbytes(&buf, ti->path, len);
                if (ti->size >= 0)
+               {
                        send_int8_string(&buf, ti->size / 1024);
+                       backup_total += ti->size;
+               }
                        pq_sendint32(&buf, -1); /* NULL */
@@ -846,6 +873,13 @@ SendBackupHeader(List *tablespaces)
        /* Send a CommandComplete message */
        pq_puttextmessage('C', "SELECT");
+       pgstat_progress_update_param(PROGRESS_BASEBACKUP_BACKUP_TOTAL,
+                                                                backup_total);
+       pgstat_progress_update_param(PROGRESS_BASEBACKUP_TBLSPC_TOTAL,
+       pgstat_progress_update_param(PROGRESS_BASEBACKUP_PHASE,
@@ -935,6 +969,7 @@ sendFileWithContent(const char *filename, const char 
        _tarWriteHeader(filename, NULL, &statbuf, false);
        /* Send the contents as a CopyData message */
        pq_putmessage('d', content, len);
+       update_basebackup_progress(len);
        /* Pad to 512 byte boundary, per tar format requirements */
        pad = ((len + 511) & ~511) - len;
@@ -944,6 +979,7 @@ sendFileWithContent(const char *filename, const char 
                MemSet(buf, 0, pad);
                pq_putmessage('d', buf, pad);
+               update_basebackup_progress(pad);
@@ -1540,6 +1576,7 @@ sendFile(const char *readfilename, const char 
*tarfilename, struct stat *statbuf
                if (pq_putmessage('d', buf, cnt))
                                        (errmsg("base backup could not send 
data, aborting backup")));
+               update_basebackup_progress(cnt);
                len += cnt;
@@ -1565,6 +1602,7 @@ sendFile(const char *readfilename, const char 
*tarfilename, struct stat *statbuf
                        cnt = Min(sizeof(buf), statbuf->st_size - len);
                        pq_putmessage('d', buf, cnt);
+                       update_basebackup_progress(cnt);
                        len += cnt;
@@ -1579,6 +1617,7 @@ sendFile(const char *readfilename, const char 
*tarfilename, struct stat *statbuf
                MemSet(buf, 0, pad);
                pq_putmessage('d', buf, pad);
+               update_basebackup_progress(pad);
@@ -1633,6 +1672,7 @@ _tarWriteHeader(const char *filename, const char 
                pq_putmessage('d', h, sizeof(h));
+               update_basebackup_progress(sizeof(h));
        return sizeof(h);
@@ -1730,3 +1770,30 @@ throttle(size_t increment)
        throttled_last = GetCurrentTimestamp();
+ * Increment the counter for the amount of data already streamed
+ * by the given number of bytes, and update the progress report for
+ * pg_stat_progress_basebackup.
+ */
+static void
+update_basebackup_progress(int64 delta)
+       backup_streamed += delta;
+       /*
+        * Avoid overflowing past 100% or the full size. This may make the total
+        * size number change as we approach the end of the backup (the estimate
+        * will always be wrong if WAL is included), but that's better than 
+        * the done column be bigger than the total.
+        */
+       if (backup_total > 0 && backup_streamed > backup_total)
+       {
+               backup_total = backup_streamed;
+               pgstat_progress_update_param(PROGRESS_BASEBACKUP_BACKUP_TOTAL,
+       }
+       pgstat_progress_update_param(PROGRESS_BASEBACKUP_BACKUP_STREAMED,
diff --git a/src/backend/utils/adt/pgstatfuncs.c 
index 7b2da2b36f..8fd0b16c9d 100644
--- a/src/backend/utils/adt/pgstatfuncs.c
+++ b/src/backend/utils/adt/pgstatfuncs.c
@@ -474,6 +474,8 @@ pg_stat_get_progress_info(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
                cmdtype = PROGRESS_COMMAND_CLUSTER;
        else if (pg_strcasecmp(cmd, "CREATE INDEX") == 0)
                cmdtype = PROGRESS_COMMAND_CREATE_INDEX;
+       else if (pg_strcasecmp(cmd, "BASEBACKUP") == 0)
+               cmdtype = PROGRESS_COMMAND_BASEBACKUP;
diff --git a/src/include/commands/progress.h b/src/include/commands/progress.h
index 12e9d3d42f..15693f2da0 100644
--- a/src/include/commands/progress.h
+++ b/src/include/commands/progress.h
@@ -119,4 +119,17 @@
 #define PROGRESS_SCAN_BLOCKS_TOTAL                             15
 #define PROGRESS_SCAN_BLOCKS_DONE                              16
+/* Progress parameters for pg_basebackup */
+#define PROGRESS_BASEBACKUP_PHASE                                              0
+#define PROGRESS_BASEBACKUP_BACKUP_TOTAL                       1
+#define PROGRESS_BASEBACKUP_BACKUP_STREAMED                    2
+#define PROGRESS_BASEBACKUP_TBLSPC_TOTAL                               3
+#define PROGRESS_BASEBACKUP_TBLSPC_STREAMED                    4
+/* Phases of pg_basebackup (as advertised via PROGRESS_BASEBACKUP_PHASE) */
diff --git a/src/include/pgstat.h b/src/include/pgstat.h
index aecb6013f0..62e547aa24 100644
--- a/src/include/pgstat.h
+++ b/src/include/pgstat.h
@@ -958,7 +958,8 @@ typedef enum ProgressCommandType
 } ProgressCommandType;
diff --git a/src/test/regress/expected/rules.out 
index 2ab2115fa1..a79f3e85e9 100644
--- a/src/test/regress/expected/rules.out
+++ b/src/test/regress/expected/rules.out
@@ -1875,6 +1875,20 @@ pg_stat_progress_analyze| SELECT s.pid,
     (s.param8)::oid AS current_child_table_relid
    FROM (pg_stat_get_progress_info('ANALYZE'::text) s(pid, datid, relid, 
param1, param2, param3, param4, param5, param6, param7, param8, param9, 
param10, param11, param12, param13, param14, param15, param16, param17, 
param18, param19, param20)
      LEFT JOIN pg_database d ON ((s.datid = d.oid)));
+pg_stat_progress_basebackup| SELECT s.pid,
+        CASE s.param1
+            WHEN 0 THEN 'initializing'::text
+            WHEN 1 THEN 'starting backup'::text
+            WHEN 2 THEN 'streaming backup'::text
+            WHEN 3 THEN 'stopping backup'::text
+            WHEN 4 THEN 'transferring wal'::text
+            ELSE NULL::text
+        END AS phase,
+    s.param2 AS backup_total,
+    s.param3 AS backup_streamed,
+    s.param4 AS tablespace_total,
+    s.param5 AS tablespace_streamed
+   FROM pg_stat_get_progress_info('BASEBACKUP'::text) s(pid, datid, relid, 
param1, param2, param3, param4, param5, param6, param7, param8, param9, 
param10, param11, param12, param13, param14, param15, param16, param17, 
param18, param19, param20);
 pg_stat_progress_cluster| SELECT s.pid,

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