On Tue, 11 Feb 2020 at 09:58, Andres Freund <and...@anarazel.de> wrote:
> Isn't that basically a problem of the past by now?  Partially due to
> changed laws (e.g. France, which used to be a problematic case), but
> also because it's basically futile to have import restrictions on
> cryptography by now. Just about every larger project contains
> significant amounts of cryptographic code and it's entirely impractical
> to operate anything interfacing with network without some form of
> transport encryption.  And just about all open source distribution
> mechanism have stopped separating out crypto code a long time ago.

Australia passed some stunningly backwards crypto laws only quite recently.
The Defense Trade Control Act (DCTA) imposes restrictions not only on
exporting crypto software, but even on teaching about cryptography without
a permit. While supposedly restricted to military items and software, it's
rather broad and unclear how that is determined. It's one of those "written
broadly, applied selectively, trust us to be nice" laws, because they're
NEVER abused, right? See
https://www.defence.gov.au/ExportControls/Cryptography.asp .

More recently we passed another idiotic "did you even bother to listen at
all to the people who explained this to you" law called the
Telecommunications (Assistance and Access) Act. This allows the Government
to order companies/organisations to permit "lawful access" to encrypted
communication, including end-to-end encrypted communications. It doesn't
legislatively order the creation of backdoors, it just legislates that
companies must be able to add them on demand, so ... um, it legislates
backdoors. The law was drafted quickly, with little consultation, and
rammed through Parliament during Christmas with the usual "but the
Terrorists" handwaving. (Nevermind that real world terrorist organisations
are communicating mainly through videogames chats and other innocuous
places, not relying on strong crypto.) The law is already being abused to
attack journalists. It has some nasty provisions about what Australia may
order employees of a company to do as well, but thankfully the politicians
who drafted those provisions did not appear to understand things like
revision control or code review, so their real world threat is minimal.

My point? In practice, much of what we do with crypto is subject to a
variety of legal questions in many legal jurisdictions. Not much is
outright illegal in most places, but it's definitely complicated. I do not
participate in anything I know to be illegal or reasonably suspect to be
illegal - but with the kind of incredibly broad laws we have now on the
books in so many places, talking about the Ceasar Cipher / rot13 could be a
violation of someone's crypto law somewhere if you get the wrong judge and
the wrong situation.

The main change has been that it got simpler in the US, so enough
developers stopped caring. The US's Dep't of Commerce export restrictions
were weakened and the set of countries they applied to were narrowed,
allowing US companies and citizens the ability to participate in projects
containing non-crippled crypto.

There are still plenty of places where any sort of non-backdoored crypto is
entirely illegal, we just say "that's your problem" to people in those

I wholly support this approach. Pretty much everything is illegal
somewhere. Patents are pain enough already.

(Apologies for thread-breaking reply, this is not from my
usually-subscribed account. I do not speak in any way for my employer on
this matter.)

Craig Ringer

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