On Thu, 5 Mar 2020 at 04:15, Laurenz Albe <laurenz.a...@cybertec.at> wrote:
> I just realized that the exercise is pointless unless that
> autovacuum also runs with FREEZE on.

I think we need to move forward with doing something to cope with
INSERT-only tables not being auto-vacuumed.

I think the patch you have is something along the lines to what I'd
have imagined we should do. However, there are a few things that I'd
do a different way.

1. I'd go for 2 new GUCs and reloptions.
autovacuum_vacuum_insert_threshold (you're currently calling this
autovacuum_vacuum_insert_limit. I don't see why the word "limit" is
relevant here). The other GUC I think should be named
autovacuum_vacuum_insert_scale_factor and these should work exactly
the same way as autovacuum_vacuum_threshold and
autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor, but be applied in a similar way to the
vacuum settings, but only be applied after we've checked to ensure the
table is not otherwise eligible to be vacuumed.

2. I believe you're right in setting the freeze_min_age to 0 rather
than freeze_min_age.  My understanding of freeze_min_age is that we
don't too pro-actively freeze tuples as in many workloads, a freshly
INSERTed tuple is more likely to receive an UPDATE than an old tuple
is.  e.g something like new orders having their status updated various
times until the order is complete, where it's not updated ever again.
In the INSERT-only case, there seems to be not much reason not to just
freeze right away.

3. The name "insert_only" does not seem the best for the new boolean
variable that you're using in various places.  That name seems to be
too closely related to our current intended use case. Maybe
skip_index_cleanup is more to the point.

4. Are you sure you mean "Maximum" here?  Isn't it the minimum? At
least it will be once you add both options. Otherwise, I think Maximum
is not the correct word. Perhaps "The threshold"

+ {"autovacuum_vacuum_insert_limit", PGC_SIGHUP, AUTOVACUUM,
+ gettext_noop("Maximum number of tuple inserts prior to vacuum."),
+ },

5. I think the new field in this struct should be named vacuum_insert_threshold

@@ -252,6 +252,7 @@ typedef struct AutoVacOpts
  bool enabled;
  int vacuum_threshold;
+ int vacuum_ins_limit;

6. Are you sure you meant to default this to 50?

index e58e4788a8..9d96d58ed2 100644
--- a/src/backend/utils/misc/postgresql.conf.sample
+++ b/src/backend/utils/misc/postgresql.conf.sample
@@ -598,6 +598,8 @@
 #autovacuum_naptime = 1min # time between autovacuum runs
 #autovacuum_vacuum_threshold = 50 # min number of row updates before
  # vacuum
+#autovacuum_vacuum_insert_limit = 50 # max number of row inserts before
+ # vacuum

Seems excessive given there's no scale factor in the current patch.

7. I know you know.... missing docs... would be good to get those.

8. Should we care when setting the insert counter back to 0 if
auto-vacuum has skipped pages?

9. You should add a new column to the pg_stat_all_tables view to allow
visibility of the insert since the last vacuum.  The column should be
named n_ins_since_vacuum. This seems like the best combination of
n_mod_since_analyze and n_tup_ins.

10. I'm slightly worried about the case where we don't quite trigger a
normal vacuum but trigger a vacuum due to INSERTs then skip cleaning
up the indexes but proceed to leave dead index entries causing indexes
to become bloated.  It does not seem impossible that given the right
balance of INSERTs and UPDATE/DELETEs that this could happen every
time and the indexes would just become larger and larger.

It's pretty easy to see this in action with:

create extension if not exists pgstattuple;
create table t0 (a int primary key);
alter table t0 set (autovacuum_enabled=off);
insert into t0 select generate_Series(1,1000000);

delete from t0 where a&1=0; vacuum (index_cleanup off) t0; insert into
t0 select generate_series(2,1000000,2); select * from
pgstattuple('t0'),pg_relation_size('t0') as t0_size; select n_dead_tup
from pg_stat_all_tables where relid = 't0'::regclass; -- repeat this a
few times and watch the indexes bloat

11. We probably do also need to debate if we want this on or off by
default.   I'd have leaned towards enabling by default if I'd not
personally witnessed the fact that people rarely* increase auto-vacuum
to run faster than the standard cost settings. I've seen hundreds of
servers over the years with all workers busy for days on something
they'll never finish quickly enough.  We increased those settings 10x
in PG12, so there will be fewer people around suffering from that now,
but even after having reduced the vacuum_cost_delay x10 over the PG11
settings, it's by no means fast enough for everyone.  I've mixed
feelings about giving auto-vacuum more work to do for those people, so
perhaps the best option is to keep this off by default so as not to
affect the people who don't tune auto-vacuum.  They'll just suffer the
pain all at once when they hit max freeze age instead of more
gradually with the additional load on the workers.   At least adding
this feature gives the people who do tune auto-vacuum some ability to
handle read-only tables in some sane way.

An alternative way of doing it would be to set the threshold to some
number of million tuples and set the scale_factor to 0.2 so that it
only has an effect on larger tables, of which generally people only
have a smallish number of.

* My opinion may be biased as the sample of people did arrive asking for help

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