man pages: Sorry, if I confused someone with my poor English. I just want to express in my 'offline' mail that we don't have to worry about man page generation. The patch doesn't affect files in the /ref subdirectory from where man pages are created.

review process: Yes, it will be time-consumptive and it may be a hard job because of a) the patch has multiple authors with divergent writing styles and b) the terms affect different fundamental issues: SQL basics and PG basics. Concerning PG basics in the past we used a wide range of similar terms with different meanings as well as different terms for the same matter - within our documentation as well as in secondary publications. The terms "backend server" / "instance" are such an example and there shall be a clear decision in favor of one of the two. Presumably we will see more discussions about the question which one is the preferred term (remember the discussion concerning the terms master/slave, primary/secondary some weeks ago).

ongoing: Intermediate questions for clarifications are welcome.

Kind regards, Jürgen

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