On Thu, 16 Apr 2020 at 13:23, Craig Ringer <cr...@2ndquadrant.com> wrote:

> Just discarding the prepared xacts is not the answer though.

... however, I have wondered a few times about making vacuum smarter about
cases where the xmin is held down by prepared xacts or by replication
slots. If we could record the oldest *and newest* xid needed by such
resource retention markers we could potentially teach vacuum to remove
intermediate dead rows. For high-churn workloads like like workqueue
applications that could be a really big win.

We wouldn't need to track a fine-grained snapshot with an in-progress list
(or inverted in-progress list like historic snapshots) for these. We'd just
remember the needed xid range in [xmin,xmax] form. And we could even do the
same for live backends' PGXACT - it might not be worth the price there, but
if you have workloads that have batch xacts + high churn rate xacts it'd be
pretty appealing.

It wouldn't help with xid wraparound concerns, but it could help a lot with
bloat caused by old snapshots for some very common workloads.

 Craig Ringer                   http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
 2ndQuadrant - PostgreSQL Solutions for the Enterprise

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