Hello Masahiko-san,

This key manager is aimed to manage cryptographic keys used for
transparent data encryption. As a result of the discussion, we
concluded it's safer to use multiple keys to encrypt database data
rather than using one key to encrypt the whole thing, for example, in
order to make sure different data is not encrypted with the same key
and IV. Therefore, in terms of TDE, the minimum requirement is that
PostgreSQL can use multiple keys.

Using multiple keys in PG, there are roughly two possible designs:

1. Store all keys for TDE into the external KMS, and PG gets them from
it as needed.


2. PG manages all keys for TDE inside and protect these keys on disk
by the key (i.g. KEK) stored in the external KMS.

-1, this is the one where you would need arguing.

There are pros and cons to each design. If I take one cons of #1 as an
example, the operation between PG and the external KMS could be
complex. The operations could be creating, removing and rotate key and
so on.

ISTM that only create (delete?) are really needed. Rotating is the problem of the KMS itself, thus does not need to be managed by pg under #1.

We can implement these operations in an extension to interact
with different kinds of external KMS, and perhaps we can use KMIP.

I would even put that (KMIP protocol stuff) outside pg core.

Even under #2, if some KMS is implemented and managed by pg, I would put the stuff in a separate process which I would probably run with a different uid, so that the KEK is not accessible directly by pg, ever.

Once KMS interactions are managed with an outside process, then what this process does becomes an interface, and whether this process actually manages the keys or discuss with some external KMS with some KMIP or whatever is irrelevant to pg. Providing an interface means that anyone could implement their KMS fitting their requirements if they comply with the interface/protocol.

Note that I'd be fine with having the current implementation somehow wrapped up as an example KMS.

But the development cost could become high because we might need different extensions for each key management solutions/services.

Yes and no. What I suggest is, I think, pretty simple, and I think I can implement it in a few line of script, so the cost is not high, and having a separate process looks, to me, like a security win and an extensibility win (i.e. another implementation can be provided).

#2 is better at that point; the interaction between PG and KMS is only

I think that it could be the same with #1. I think that having a separate process is a reasonable security requirement, and if you do that #1 and #2 are more or less the same.

Other databases employes a similar approach are SQL Server and DB2.

Too bad for them:-) I'd still disagree with having the master key inside the database process, even if Microsoft, IBM and Oracle think it is a good idea.

In terms of the necessity of introducing the key manager into PG core,
I think at least TDE needs to be implemented in PG core. And as this
key manager is for managing keys for TDE, I think the key manager also
needs to be introduced into the core so that TDE functionality doesn't
depend on external modules.


My point is that only interactions should be in core.

The implementation could be in core, but as a separate process.

I agree that pg needs to be able to manage the DEK, so it needs to store data keys.

I still do not understand why an extension, possibly distributed with pg, would not be ok. There may be good arguments for that, but I do not think you provided any yet.

Also, I'm not at fully at ease with some of the underlying principles
behind this proposal. Are we re-inventing/re-implementing kerberos or
whatever? Are we re-implementing a brand new KMS inside pg? Why having
our own?

As I explained above, this key manager is for managing internal keys
used by TDE. It's not an alternative to existing key management

Hmmm. This seels to suggest that interacting with something outside should be an option.

The requirements of this key manager are generating internal keys,
letting other PG components use them, protecting them by KEK when

If you want that, I'd still argue that you should have a separate process.

and support KEK rotation. It doesn’t have a feature like
allowing users to store arbitrary keys into this key manager, like
other key management solutions/services have.


I agree that the key used to encrypt data must not be placed in the
same host. But it's true only when the key is not protected, right?

The DEK is needed when encrypting and decrypting, obviously, so it would be there once obtained, it cannot be helped. My concern is about the KEK, which AFAICS in your code is somewhere in memory accessible by the postgres process, which is a no go for me.

The definition of "protected" is fuzzy, it would depend on what the user requires. Maybe protected for someone is "in a file which is only readable by postgres", and for someone else it means "inside an external hardware components activated by the fingerprint of the CEO".

this key manager, since we protect all internal keys by KEK it's no
problem unless KEK is leaked. KEK can be obtained from outside key
management solutions/services through cluster_passphrase_command.

Again, I do not think that the KEK should be in postgres process, ever.

Also, implementing a crash-safe key rotation algorithm does not look like
inside pg backend, that is not its job.

The key rotation this key manager has is KEK rotation, which is very
important. Without KEK rotation, when KEK is leaked an attacker can
get database data by disk theft. Since KEK is responsible for
encrypting all internal keys it's necessary to re-encrypt the internal
keys when KEK is rotated. I think PG is the only role that can do that

I'm not claiming that KEK rotation is a bad thing, I'm saying that it should not be postgres problem. My issue is where you put the thing, not about the thing itself.

I think this key manager satisfies the fist point by
cluster_passphrase_command. For the second point, the key manager
stores local keys inside PG while protecting them by KEK managed
outside of PG.

I do not understand. From what I understood from the code, the KEK is loaded into postgres process. That is what I'm disagreeing with, only needed DEK should be there.



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