> >
> > If I understand it correctly, your suggestion is to add
> > keep_connection option and use that while defining the server object.
> > IMO having keep_connection option at the server object level may not
> > serve the purpose being discussed here.
> > For instance, let's say I create a foreign server in session 1 with
> > keep_connection on, and I want to use that
> > server object in session 2 with keep_connection off and session 3 with
> > keep_connection on and so on.
> > One way we can change the server's keep_connection option is to alter
> > the server object, but that's not a good choice,
> > as we have to alter it at the system level.
> Is there use-case in practice where different backends need to have
> different connection cache setting even if all of them connect the
> same server?

Currently, connection cache exists at each backend/session level and
gets destroyed
on backend/session exit. I think the same cached connection can be
used until it gets invalidated
due to user mapping or server definition changes.

One way is to have a shared memory based connection cache instead of
backend level cache,
but it has its own problems, like maintenance, invalidation, dealing
with concurrent usages etc.

> I thought since the problem that this feature is trying
> to resolve is not to  eat up the remote server connections capacity by
> disabling connection cache, we’d like to disable connection cache to
> the particular server, for example, which sets low max_connections.

Currently, the user mapping oid acts as the key for the cache's hash
table, so the cache entries
are not made directly using foreign server ids though each entry would
have some information related
to foreign server.

Just to reiterate, the main idea if this feature  is to give the user
a way to choose, whether to use connection caching or not,
if he decides that his session uses remote queries very rarely, then
he can disable, or if the remote queries are more frequent in
a particular session, he can choose to use connection caching.

In a way, this feature addresses the point that local sessions not
eating up remote connections/sessions by
letting users decide(as users know better when to cache or when not
to) to cache or not cache the remote connections
and thus releasing them immediately if there is not much usage from
local session.

With Regards,
Bharath Rupireddy.
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com

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