On Thu, 2020-07-23 at 19:33 -0700, Peter Geoghegan wrote:
> That does make it sound like the costs of the hash agg aren't being
> represented. I suppose it isn't clear if this is a costing issue
> because it isn't clear if the execution time performance itself is
> pathological or is instead something that must be accepted as the
> cost
> of spilling the hash agg in a general kind of way.

I have a feeling that this is mostly a costing problem. Sort uses its
memory in two different phases:

  1. when writing the sorted runs, it needs the memory to hold the run
before sorting it, and only a single buffer for the output tape; and
  2. when merging, it needs a lot of read buffers

But in HashAgg, it needs to hold all of the groups in memory *at the
same time* as it needs a lot of output buffers (one for each
partition). This doesn't matter a lot at high values of work_mem,
because the buffers will only be 8MB at most.

I did attempt to cost this properly: hash_agg_set_limits() takes into
account the memory the partitions will use, and the remaining memory is
what's used in cost_agg(). But there's a lot of room for error in

If someone sees an obvious error in the costing, please let me know.
Otherwise, I think it will just take some time to make it better
reflect reality in a variety of cases. For v13, and we will either need
to live with it, or pessimize the costing for HashAgg until we get it

Many costing issues can deal with a lot of slop -- e.g. HashJoin vs
MergeJoin -- because a small factor often doesn't make the difference
between plans. But HashAgg and Sort are more competitive with each
other, so costing needs to be more precise.

        Jeff Davis

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