On 2020-Jul-27, Anastasia Lubennikova wrote:

> Here is the updated version of the fix.
> The problem can be reproduced on all supported versions, so I suggest to
> backpatch it.
> Code slightly changed in v12, so here are two patches: one for versions 9.5
> to 11 and another for versions from 12 to master.

Hi Anastasia, thanks for this report and fix.  I was considering this
last week and noticed that the patch changes the ABI of
heap_get_root_tuples, which may be problematic in back branches.  I
suggest that for unreleased branches (12 and prior) we need to create a
new function with the new signature, and keep heap_get_root_tuples
unchanged.  In 13 and master we don't need that trick, so we can keep
the code as you have it in this version of the patch.

heap_get_root_tuples_new(Page page, OffsetNumber *root_offsets)
{ .. full implementation ... }

/* ABI compatibility only */
heap_get_root_tuples(Page page, OffsetNumber *root_offsets)
        (void) heap_get_root_tuples_new(page, root_offsets);

(I was also considering whether it needs to be a loop to reobtain root
tuples, in case a concurrent transaction can create a new item while
we're checking that item; but I don't think that can really happen for
one individual tuple.)


Álvaro Herrera                https://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
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