On Mon, Jul 27, 2020 at 5:54 PM David Rowley <dgrowle...@gmail.com> wrote:
> hmm. I'm not sure. I think this should follow the same logic as what
> "Disk Usage" follows, and right now we don't show Disk Usage unless we
> spill. Since we only use partitions when spilling, I don't think it
> makes sense to show the estimated partitions when we don't plan on
> spilling.

I'm confused about what the guiding principles for EXPLAIN ANALYZE
output (text or otherwise) are.

> I think if we change this then we should change Disk Usage too.
> However, I don't think we should as Sort will only show "Disk" if the
> sort spills. I think Hash Agg should follow that.

I don't follow your remarks here.

Separately, I wonder what your opinion is about what should happen for
the partial sort related EXPLAIN ANALYZE format open item, described


ISTM that EXPLAIN ANALYZE for incremental sort manages to show the
same information as the sort case, aggregated across each tuplesort in
a fairly sensible way.

(No activity over on the incremental sort thread, so I thought I'd ask
again here, while I was reminded of that issue.)

Peter Geoghegan

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