Hello Ashutosh,

On Fri, 24 Jul 2020 at 14:35, Ashutosh Sharma <ashu.coe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Attached is the patch that adds heap_force_kill(regclass, tid[]) and 
> heap_force_freeze(regclass, tid[]) functions which Robert mentioned in the 
> first email in this thread. The patch basically adds an extension named 
> pg_surgery that contains these functions.  Please have a look and let me know 
> your feedback. Thank you.

Thanks for the patch.

1. We would be marking buffer dirty and writing wal even if we have
not done any changes( ex if we pass invalid/dead tids). Maybe we can
handle this better?

cosmetic changes
1. Maybe "HTupleSurgicalOption" instead of "HTupleForceOption" and
also the variable names could use surgery instead.
2. extension comment pg_surgery.control "extension to perform surgery
the damaged heap table" -> "extension to perform surgery on the
damaged heap table"

> On Thu, Jul 16, 2020 at 9:44 PM Robert Haas <robertmh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Thu, Jul 16, 2020 at 10:00 AM Robert Haas <robertmh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > I see your point, though: the tuple has to be able to survive
>> > HOT-pruning in order to cause a problem when we check whether it needs
>> > freezing.
>> Here's an example where the new sanity checks fail on an invisible
>> tuple without any concurrent transactions:
>> $ initdb
>> $ pg_ctl start -l ~/logfile
>> $ createdb
>> $ psql
>> create table simpsons (a int, b text);
>> vacuum freeze;
>> $ cat > txid.sql
>> select txid_current();
>> $ pgbench -t 131072 -c 8 -j 8 -n -f txid.sql
>> $ psql
>> insert into simpsons values (1, 'homer');
>> $ pg_ctl stop
>> $ pg_resetwal -x 1000 $PGDATA
>> $ pg_ctl start -l ~/logfile
>> $ psql
>> update pg_class set relfrozenxid = (relfrozenxid::text::integer +
>> 2000000)::text::xid where relname = 'simpsons';
>> rhaas=# select * from simpsons;
>>  a | b
>> ---+---
>> (0 rows)
>> rhaas=# vacuum simpsons;
>> ERROR:  found xmin 1049082 from before relfrozenxid 2000506
>> CONTEXT:  while scanning block 0 of relation "public.simpsons"
>> This is a fairly insane situation, because we should have relfrozenxid
>> < tuple xid < xid counter, but instead we have xid counter < tuple xid
>> < relfrozenxid, but it demonstrates that it's possible to have a
>> database which is sufficiently corrupt that you can't escape from the
>> new sanity checks using only INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE.
>> Now, an even easier way to create a table with a tuple that prevents
>> vacuuming and also can't just be deleted is to simply remove a
>> required pg_clog file (and maybe restart the server to clear out any
>> cached data in the SLRUs). What we typically do with customers who
>> need to recover from that situation today is give them a script to
>> fabricate a bogus CLOG file that shows all transactions as committed
>> (or, perhaps, aborted). But I think that the tools proposed on this
>> thread might be a better approach in certain cases. If the problem is
>> that a pg_clog file vanished, then recreating it with whatever content
>> you think is closest to what was probably there before is likely the
>> best you can do. But if you've got some individual tuples with crazy
>> xmin values, you don't really want to drop matching files in pg_clog;
>> it's better to fix the tuples.
>> --
>> Robert Haas
>> EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
>> The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company


M Beena Emerson

Sr. Software Engineer


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