On Fri, Aug 7, 2020 at 9:32 AM Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
> Andy Fan <zhihui.fan1...@gmail.com> writes:
> > Attached is the v2 patch.

Thanks Andy and Tom for this.

> Forgot to mention that I'd envisioned adding this as a src/test/modules/
> module; contrib/ is for things that we intend to expose to users, which
> I think this isn't.
> I played around with this and got the isolation test I'd experimented
> with yesterday to work with it.  If you revert 7a980dfc6 then the
> attached patch will expose that bug.  Interestingly, I had to add an
> explicit AcceptInvalidationMessages() call to reproduce the bug; so
> apparently we do none of those between planning and execution in the
> ordinary query code path.  Arguably, that means we're testing a scenario
> somewhat different from what can happen in live databases, but I think
> it's OK.  Amit's recipe for reproducing the bug works because there are
> other relation lock acquisitions (and hence AcceptInvalidationMessages
> calls) later in planning than where he asked us to wait.  So this
> effectively tests a scenario where a very late A.I.M. call within the
> planner detects an inval event for some already-planned relation, and
> that seems like a valid-enough scenario.


Curiously, Justin mentioned upthread that the crash occurred during
BIND of a prepared query, so it better had been that a custom plan was
being executed, because a generic one based on fewer partitions would
be thrown away due to A.I.M. invoked during AcquireExecutorLocks().

> Anyway, attached find a reviewed version of your patch plus a test
> scenario contributed by me (I was too lazy to split it into two
> patches).  Barring objections, I'll push this tomorrow or so.
> (BTW, I checked and found that this test does *not* expose the problems
> with Amit's original patch.  Not sure if it's worth trying to finagle
> it so it does.)

I tried to figure out a scenario where my patch would fail but
couldn't come up with one either, but it's no proof that it isn't
wrong.  For example, I can see that pinfo->relid_map[pinfo->nparts]
can be accessed with my patch which is not correct.

Amit Langote
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com

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