On Mon, Aug 10, 2020 at 2:43 PM Cary Huang <cary.hu...@highgo.ca> wrote:

> There is currently no enforced minimum value for "idle_session_timeout"
> (except for value 0 for disabling the feature), so user can put any value
> larger than 0 and it could be very small like 500 or even 50 millisecond,
> this would make any psql connection to disconnect shortly after it has
> connected, which may not be ideal. Many systems I have worked with have 30
> minutes inactivity timeout by default, and I think it would be better and
> safer to enforce a reasonable minimum timeout value

I'd accept a value of say 1,000 being minimum in order to reinforce the
fact that a unit-less input, while possible, is taken to be milliseconds
and such small values most likely mean the user has made a mistake.  I
would not choose a minimum allowed value solely based on our concept of
"reasonable".  I don't imagine a value of say 10 seconds, while seemingly
unreasonable, is going to be unsafe.

David J.

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