Hi Alvaro,

IMO the per-type columns should show both the type being enabled as
well as it being built.

Hmm. I'm not sure how to get the status (enabled or disabled) of
extended stats. :(
Could you explain it more?

pg_statistic_ext_data.stxdndistinct is not null if the stats have been
built. (I'm not sure whether there's an easier way to determine this.)

Ah.. I see! Thank you.

I suggest to do this

   Name    | Schema | Definition               | Ndistinct | Dependencies | MCV
 stts_1    | public | (a, b) FROM t1           | f         | t            | f

I suppose that the current column order is sufficient if there is
no improvement of extended stats on PG14. Do you know any plan to
improve extended stats such as to allow it to cross multiple tables on PG14?

I suggest that changing it in the future is going to be an uphill
battle, so better get it right from the get go, without requiring a
future restructure.

I understand your suggestions. I'll replace "Columns" and "Table" columns with 
"Definition" column.

Currently, I use this query to get Extended stats info from pg_statistic_ext.

Maybe something like this would do

stxnamespace::pg_catalog.regnamespace AS "Schema",
stxname AS "Name",
format('%s FROM %s',
 (SELECT pg_catalog.string_agg(pg_catalog.quote_ident(attname),', ')
  FROM pg_catalog.unnest(stxkeys) s(attnum)
  JOIN pg_catalog.pg_attribute a ON (stxrelid = a.attrelid AND
  a.attnum = s.attnum AND NOT attisdropped)),
  stxrelid::regclass) AS "Definition",
  CASE WHEN stxdndistinct IS NOT NULL THEN 'built' WHEN 'd' = any(stxkind) THEN 'enabled, 
not built' END AS "n-distinct",
  CASE WHEN stxddependencies IS NOT NULL THEN 'built' WHEN 'f' = any(stxkind) THEN 
'enabled, not built' END AS "functional dependencies",
  CASE WHEN stxdmcv IS NOT NULL THEN 'built' WHEN 'm' = any(stxkind) THEN 
'enabled, not built' END AS mcv
 FROM pg_catalog.pg_statistic_ext es
 INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class c
 ON stxrelid = c.oid
 LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_statistic_ext_data esd ON es.oid = esd.stxoid
 ORDER BY 1, 2, 3;

Great! It helped me a lot to understand your suggestions correctly. Thanks. :-D
I got the below results by your query.

create table t1 (a int, b int);
create statistics stts_1 (dependencies) on a, b from t1;
create statistics stts_2 (dependencies, ndistinct) on a, b from t1;
create statistics stts_3 (dependencies, ndistinct, mcv) on a, b from t1;
create table t2 (a int, b int, c int);
create statistics stts_4 on b, c from t2;
create table hoge (col1 int, col2 int, col3 int);
create statistics stts_hoge on col1, col2, col3 from hoge;

insert into t1 select i,i from generate_series(1,100) i;
analyze t1;

Your query gave this result:

 Schema |   Name    |         Definition         |     n-distinct     | 
functional dependencies |        mcv
 public | stts_1    | a, b FROM t1               |                    | built   
 public | stts_2    | a, b FROM t1               | built              | built   
 public | stts_3    | a, b FROM t1               | built              | built   
                | built
 public | stts_4    | b, c FROM t2               | enabled, not built | 
enabled, not built      | enabled, not built
 public | stts_hoge | col1, col2, col3 FROM hoge | enabled, not built | 
enabled, not built      | enabled, not built
(5 rows)

I guess "enabled, not built" is a little redundant. The status would better to
have three patterns: "built", "not built" or nothing (NULL) like these:

  - "built":  extended stats is defined and built (collected by analyze cmd)
  - "not built": extended stats is defined but have not built yet
  - nothing (NULL): extended stats is not defined

What do you think about it?

I will send a new patch including :

  - Replace "Columns" and "Table" column with "Definition"
  - Show the status (built/not built/null) of extended stats by using

Tatsuro Yamada

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