On Wed, Sep 9, 2020 at 12:24 PM Peter Smith <smithpb2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> My basic understanding of first part of your patch is that by
> adjusting the "minread" it now allows it to loop multiple times
> internally within the CopyGetData rather than calling CopyLoadRawBuf
> for every N lines. There doesn't seem to be much change to what other
> code gets executed so the saving is essentially whatever is the cost
> of making 2 x function calls (CopyLoadRawBuff + CopyGetData) x N. Is
> that understanding correct?

Yes you are right, we will avoid the function calls and try to get as
many records as possible from the buffer & insert it to the relation.

> But with that change there seems to be opportunity for yet another
> tiny saving possible. IIUC, now you are processing a lot more data
> within the CopyGetData so it is now very likely that you will also
> gobble the COPY_NEW_FE's 'c' marker. So cstate->reached_eof will be
> set. So this means the calling code of CopyReadLineText may no longer
> need to call the CopyLoadRawBuf one last time just to discover there
> are no more bytes to read - something that it already knows if
> cstate->reached_eof == true.
> For example, with your change can't you also modify CopyReadLineText like 
> below:
>             if (!CopyLoadRawBuf(cstate))
>                 hit_eof = true;
>             if (cstate->reached_eof)
>             {
>                 cstate->raw_buf[0] = '\0';
>                 cstate->raw_buf_index = cstate->raw_buf_len = 0;
>                 hit_eof = true;
>             }
>             else if (!CopyLoadRawBuf(cstate))
>             {
>                 hit_eof = true;
>             }
> Whether such a micro-optimisation is worth doing is another question.
Yes, what you suggested can also be done, but even I have the same
question as you. Because we will reduce just one function call, the
eof check is present immediately in the function, Should we include
this or not?

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