The patch has been re-implemented based on previous advice.

Please see attached.



A test table was created and 20 million rows inserted as follows:

test=# create table t1 (id int, a timestamp, b time without time zone
default '01:02:03', c date default CURRENT_DATE, d time with time zone
default CURRENT_TIME, e time with time zone default LOCALTIME);

$ time psql -d test -c "insert into t1(id, a)
values(generate_series(1,20000000), timestamp 'now');"




perf results
6.18% GetSQLCurrentTime
5.73% GetSQLCurrentDate
5.20% GetSQLLocalTime
4.67% GetCurrentDateTime
-.--% GetCurrentTimeUsec

elapsed time
Run1 1m57s
Run2 1m58s
Run3 2m00s


perf results
1.77% GetSQLCurrentTime
0.12% GetSQLCurrentDate
0.50% GetSQLLocalTime
0.36% GetCurrentDateTime
-.--% GetCurrentTimeUsec

elapsed time
Run1 1m36s
Run2 1m36s
Run3 1m36s

(represents 19% improvement for this worst case table/data)


Note: I patched the function GetCurrentTimeUsec consistently with the
others, but actually I was not able to discover any SQL syntax which
could cause that function to be invoked multiple times. Perhaps the
patch for that function should be removed?


Kind Regards,
Peter Smith
Fujitsu Australia

On Tue, Sep 22, 2020 at 1:06 PM Peter Smith <> wrote:
> Hi Tom.
> Thanks for your feedback.
> On Tue, Sep 22, 2020 at 12:44 PM Tom Lane <> wrote:
> > Still, for the size of the patch I'm envisioning, it'd be well
> > worth the trouble.
> The OP patch I gave was just a POC to test the effect and to see if
> the idea was judged as worthwhile...
> I will rewrite/fix it based on your suggestions.
> Kind Regards,
> Peter Smith.
> Fujitsu Australia.

Attachment: PS_cache_pg_tm-v01.patch
Description: Binary data

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