Hello Pgsql-hackers,

When selecting data from json column it named as '?column?'
tucha=# select info->>'suma', docn from document order by id desc limit 5;
 ?column? | docn 
 665.97   | 695
 513.51   | 632
 665.97   | 4804
 492.12   | 4315
 332.98   | 1302
(5 rows)

It would be useful if the name of column will be autoassigned based on
name of json key. Like at next query:

tucha=# select info->>'suma' as suma, docn from document order by id desc limit 
  suma  | docn 
 665.97 | 695
 513.51 | 632
 665.97 | 4804
 492.12 | 4315
 332.98 | 1302
(5 rows)

Would it be useful this auto assigned name for column from json?

Best regards,
Eugen Konkov

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