
On Thursday, November 5, 2020 1:22 PM
Peter Smith <smithpb2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 4, 2020 at 2:53 PM osumi.takami...@fujitsu.com
> <osumi.takami...@fujitsu.com> wrote:
> > > (1) COMMENT
> > > File: NA
> > > Maybe next time consider using format-patch to make the patch. Then
> > > you can include a comment to give the background/motivation for this
> change.
> > OK. How about v15 ?
> Yes, it is good now, apart from some typos in the first sentence:
> "grammer" --> "grammar"
> "exisiting" --> "existing"
Sorry for such minor mistakes. Fixed.

> > > ===
> > >
> > > (2) COMMENT
> > > File: doc/src/sgml/ref/create_trigger.sgml
> > > @@ -446,6 +454,13 @@ UPDATE OF
> > > <replaceable>column_name1</replaceable>
> > > [, <replaceable>column_name2</
> > > Currently it says:
> > > When replacing an existing trigger with CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER,
> > > there are restrictions. You cannot replace constraint triggers. That
> > > means it is impossible to replace a regular trigger with a
> > > constraint trigger and to replace a constraint trigger with another
> constraint trigger.
> > >
> > > --
> > >
> > > Is that correct wording? I don't think so. Saying "to replace a
> > > regular trigger with a constraint trigger" is NOT the same as "replace a
> constraint trigger".
> > I corrected my wording in create_trigger.sgml, which should cause less
> > confusion than v14. The reason why I changed the documents is described
> below.
> Yes, OK. But it might be simpler still just to it like:
> "CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER works only for replacing a regular (not
> constraint) trigger with another regular trigger."
Yeah, this kind of supplementary words help user to understand the
exact usage of this feature. Thanks.

> >
> > > Maybe I am mistaken but I think the help and the code are no longer
> > > in sync anymore. e.g. In previous versions of this patch you used to
> > > verify replacement trigger kinds (regular/constraint) match. AFAIK
> > > you are not doing that in the current code (but you should be). So
> > > although you say "impossible to replace a regular trigger with a
> > > constraint trigger" I don't see any code to check/enforce that ( ??
> > > ) IMO when you simplified this v14 patch you may have removed some
> > > extra trigger kind conditions that should not have been removed.
> > >
> > > Also, the test code should have detected this problem, but I think
> > > the tests have also been broken in v14. See later COMMENT (9).
> > Don't worry and those are not broken.
> >
> > I changed some codes in gram.y to throw a syntax error when OR REPLACE
> > clause is used with CREATE CONSTRAINT TRIGGER.
> >
> > In the previous discussion with Tsunakawa-San in this thread, I judged
> > that OR REPLACE clause is not necessary for *CONSTRAINT* TRIGGER to
> > achieve the purpose of this patch.
> > It is to support the database migration from Oracle to Postgres by
> > supporting the same syntax for trigger replacement. Here, because the
> > constraint trigger is unique to the latter, I prohibited the usage of
> > CREATE CONSTRAINT TRIGGER and OR REPLACE clauses at the same
> time at
> > the grammatical level.
> > Did you agree with this way of modification ?
> >
> > To prohibit the combination OR REPLACE and CONSTRAINT clauses may
> seem
> > a little bit radical but I refer to an example of the combination to
> > When the timing of trigger is not AFTER for CONSTRAINT TRIGGER, an
> > syntax error is caused. I learnt and followed the way for my
> > modification from it.
> OK, I understand now. In my v14 review I failed to notice that you did it this
> way, which is why I thought a check was missing in the code.
> I do think this is a bit subtle. Perhaps this should be asserted and commented
> a bit more in the code to make it much clearer what you did.
> For example:
> ----------
> /*
>  * can't replace constraint trigger.
>  */
>  if (OidIsValid(existing_constraint_oid))
> /*
>  * It is not allowed to replace with a constraint trigger.
>  * The OR REPLACE syntax is not available for constraint triggers (see
> gram.y).
>  */
> Assert(!stmt->isconstraint);
> /*
>  * It is not allowed to replace an existing constraint trigger.
>  */
>  if (OidIsValid(existing_constraint_oid))
> ----------
Note that this part of the latest patch v16 shows different indent of the 
that you gave me in your previous reply but those came from the execution of 

> > > (9) COMMENT
> > > File: src/test/regress/expected/triggers.out
> > > +-- test for detecting incompatible replacement of trigger create
> > > +table my_table (id integer); create function funcA() returns
> > > +trigger as $$ begin
> > > +  raise notice 'hello from funcA';
> > > +  return null;
> > > +end; $$ language plpgsql;
> > > +create function funcB() returns trigger as $$ begin
> > > +  raise notice 'hello from funcB';
> > > +  return null;
> > > +end; $$ language plpgsql;
> > > +create or replace trigger my_trig
> > > +  after insert on my_table
> > > +  for each row execute procedure funcA(); create constraint trigger
> > > +my_trig
> > > +  after insert on my_table
> > > +  for each row execute procedure funcB(); -- should fail
> > > +ERROR:  trigger "my_trig" for relation "my_table" already exists
> > >
> > > --
> > >
> > > I think this test has been broken in v14. That last "create
> > > constraint trigger my_trig" above can never be expected to work
> > > simply because you are not specifying the "OR REPLACE" syntax.
> > As I described above, the grammatical error occurs to use "CREATE OR
> > REPLACE CONSTRAINT TRIGGER" in v14 (and v15 also).
> > At the time to write v14, I wanted to list up all imcompatible cases
> > even if some tests did *not* or can *not* contain "OR REPLACE" clause.
> > I think this way of change seemed broken to you.
> >
> > Still now I think it's a good idea to cover such confusing cases, so I
> > didn't remove both failure tests in v15
> > (1) CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER creates a regular trigger and execute
> >     CREATE CONSTRAINT TRIGGER, which should fail
> > (2) CREATE CONSTRAINT TRIGGER creates a constraint trigger and
> >     execute CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER, which should fail in order to
> > show in such cases, the detection of error nicely works.
> > The results of tests are fine.
> >
> > > So in fact this is not properly testing for incompatible types at
> > > all. It needs to say "create OR REPLACE constraint trigger my_trig"
> > > to be testing what it claims to be testing.
> > >
> > > I also think there is a missing check in the code - see COMMENT (2)
> > > - for handling this scenario. But since this test case is broken you
> > > do not then notice the code check is missing.
> > >
> > > ===
> > My inappropriate explanation especially in the create_trigger.sgml
> > made you think those are broken. But, as I said they are necessary
> > still to cover corner combination cases.
> Yes, I agree that all the combinations should be present. That is why I wrote
> the "create constraint trigger" should be written "create OR REPLACE
> constraint trigger" because otherwise AFAIK there is no test attempting to
> replace using a constraint trigger - you are only really testing you cannot
> create a duplicate name trigger (but those tests already existed)
> In other words, IMO the "incompatible" tests should be like below (I added
> comments to try make it more clear what are the combinations)
> ----------
> create or replace trigger my_trig
>  after insert on my_table
>  for each row execute procedure funcA(); -- 1. create a regular trigger. OK
> create or replace constraint trigger my_trig  after insert on my_table  for
> each row execute procedure funcB(); -- Test 1a. Replace regular trigger with
> constraint trigger. Expect ERROR (bad syntax) drop trigger my_trig on
> my_table; create constraint trigger my_trig -- 2. create a constraint 
> trigger. OK
> after insert on my_table  for each row execute procedure funcA(); create or
> replace trigger my_trig  after insert on my_table  for each row execute
> procedure funcB(); -- Test 2a. Replace constraint trigger with regular 
> trigger.
> Expect ERROR (cannot replace a constraint trigger) create or replace
> constraint trigger my_trig  after insert on my_table  for each row execute
> procedure funcB(); -- Test 2b. Replace constraint trigger with constraint
> trigger. Expect ERROR (bad syntax) drop table my_table; drop function
> funcA(); drop function funcB();
> ----------
I understand that
I need to add 2 syntax error cases and
1 error case to replace constraint trigger at least. It makes sense.
At the same time, I supposed that the order of the tests
in v15 patch is somehow hard to read.
So, I decided to sort out those and take your new sets of tests there.
What I'd like to test there is not different, though.
Please have a look at the new patch.

        Takamichi Osumi

Attachment: CREATE_OR_REPLACE_TRIGGER_v16.patch
Description: CREATE_OR_REPLACE_TRIGGER_v16.patch

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