On Thu, Nov 19, 2020 at 10:05:19PM +0530, Bharath Rupireddy wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 19, 2020 at 8:47 PM Peter Eisentraut 
> <peter.eisentr...@enterprisedb.com> wrote:
>> Materialized views are not in the SQL standard.
>> But if you consider materialized views as a variant of normal views,
>> then the INSERT privilege would be applicable if you pass an INSERT on
>> the materialized view through to the underlying tables, like for a view.

INSERT to materialized views is not supported, but perhaps you mean
having a variant of auto updatable for matviews?  I am not sure how to
clearly define that.

> For CTAS: retain the existing CREATE privilege check and remove the
> INSERT privilege check altogether for all the cases i.e. with data,
> with no data, explain analyze, plain, with execute?
> For CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW: same as CTAS, that is retain the
> existing CREATE privilege check and remove the INSERT privilege check
> for with data, with no data, explain analyze, plain?
> For REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW: retain the existing behaviour i.e. no
> privilege check.

Thanks.  Based on what Peter has said, the ACL_INSERT check in
intorel_startup() could just be removed, and the tests of matview.sql
and select_into.sql would need some cleanup.  We could keep around
some scenarios with some follow-up INSERT queries after the initial

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