On 2020-Nov-25, Alexander Korotkov wrote:

> In the view of above, I'd like to propose a POC patch, which implements new
> builtin infrastructure for reproduction of concurrency issues in automated
> test suites.  The general idea is so-called "stop events", which are
> special places in the code, where the execution could be stopped on some
> condition.  Stop event also exposes a set of parameters, encapsulated into
> jsonb value.  The condition over stop event parameters is defined using
> jsonpath language.

+1 for the idea.  I agree we have a need for something on this area;
there are *many* scenarios currently untested because of the lack of
what you call "stop points".  I don't know if jsonpath is the best way
to implement it, but at least it is readily available and it seems a
decent way to go at it.

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