Hi hackers!

Due to the error in PG-ProEE we have added the following test to pg_visibility:

create table vacuum_test as select 42 i;
vacuum vacuum_test;
select count(*) > 0 from pg_check_visible('vacuum_test');
drop table vacuum_test;

Sometime (very rarely) this test failed: pg_visibility reports "corrupted" tuples. The same error can be reproduced not only with PG-Pro but also with vanilla REL_11_STABLE, REL_12_STABLE and REL_13_STABLE. It is not reproduced with master after Andres snapshot optimization - commit dc7420c2.

It is not so easy to reproduce this error: it is necessary to repeat this tests many times.
Probability increased with more aggressive autovacuum settings.
But even with such settings and thousands of iterations I was not able to reproduce this error at my notebook - only at virtual machine.

The error is reported here:

             * If we're checking whether the page is all-visible, we expect
             * the tuple to be all-visible.
            if (check_visible &&
                !tuple_all_visible(&tuple, OldestXmin, buffer))
                TransactionId RecomputedOldestXmin;

                 * Time has passed since we computed OldestXmin, so it's
                 * possible that this tuple is all-visible in reality even
                 * though it doesn't appear so based on our
                 * previously-computed value.  Let's compute a new value so we
                 * can be certain whether there is a problem.
                 * From a concurrency point of view, it sort of sucks to
                 * retake ProcArrayLock here while we're holding the buffer
                 * exclusively locked, but it should be safe against
                 * deadlocks, because surely GetOldestXmin() should never take
                 * a buffer lock. And this shouldn't happen often, so it's
                 * worth being careful so as to avoid false positives.
                RecomputedOldestXmin = GetOldestXmin(NULL, PROCARRAY_FLAGS_VACUUM);

                if (!TransactionIdPrecedes(OldestXmin, RecomputedOldestXmin))
                    record_corrupt_item(items, &tuple.t_self);

I debugger I have checked that OldestXmin = RecomputedOldestXmin = tuple.t_data->xmin I wonder if this check in pg_visibility is really correct and it can not happen that OldestXmin=tuple.t_data->xmin? Please notice that tuple_all_visible returns false if !TransactionIdPrecedes(xmin, OldestXmin)

Thanks in advance,

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