
+ *  1) Specify is_multi as true, then multi insert state is allcoated.
=> allocated
+ * dropped, short-lived memory context is delted and mistate is freed up.
=> deleted
+ * 2) Currently, GetTupleSize() handles the existing heap, buffer, minmal and
=> minimal
+       /* Mulit insert state if requested, otherwise NULL. */
=> multi
+ * Buffer the input slots and insert the tuples from the buffered slots at a
=> *one* at a time ?
+ * Compute the size of the tuple only if mi_max_size i.e. the total tuple size
=> I guess you mean max_size

This variable could use a better name:
+CopyMulitInsertFlushBuffers(List **mirri, ..
mirri is fine for a local variable like an element of a struture/array, or a
loop variable, but not for a function parameter which is an "List" of arbitrary

I think this comment needs to be updated (again) for the removal of the Info
- * CopyMultiInsertBuffer items stored in CopyMultiInsertInfo's
+ * multi insert buffer items stored in CopyMultiInsertInfo's

I think the COPY patch should be 0002 (or maybe merged into 0001).
There's some superfluous whitespace (and other) changes there which make the
patch unnecessarily long.

You made the v2 insert interface a requirement for all table AMs.
Should it be optional, and fall back to simple inserts if not implemented ? 

For CTAS, I think we need to consider Paul's idea here.
Conceivably, tableam should support something like that for arbitrary AMs
("insert into a new table for which we have exclusive lock").  I think that AM
method should also be optional.  It should be possible to implement a minimal
AM without implementing every available optimization, which may not apply to
all AMs, anyway.


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