On Thu, Dec 24, 2020 at 10:50:34AM +0900, Michael Paquier wrote:
> FWIW, it still makes the most sense to me to keep the options that are
> extracted from the grammar or things that apply to all the
> sub-routines of REINDEX to be tracked in a single structure, so this
> should include only the REINDEXOPT_* set for now, with the tablespace
> OID as of this thread, and also the reindex filtering options.
> REINDEX_REL_* is in my opinion of a different family because they only
> apply to reindex_relation(), and partially to reindex_index(), so they
> are very localized.  In short, anything in need of only
> reindex_relation() has no need to know about the whole ReindexOption
> business.

I need more coffee here..  reindex_relation() knows about
ReindexOptions.  Still it would be weird to track REINDEX_REL_* at a
global level as ExecReindex(), ReindexTable(), ReindexMultipleTables()
and the like don't need to know about that.

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