
On Fri, Jan 8, 2021, at 01:53, Laurenz Albe wrote:
> On Thu, 2021-01-07 at 16:14 -0500, Stephen Frost wrote:
> > I expected there'd be some disagreement on this, but I do continue to
> > feel that it's sensible to enable checksums by default.
> +1

I don't disagree with this in principle, but if you want that you need to work 
on making checksum overhead far smaller. That's doable. Afterwards it makes 
sense to have this discussion.

> I think the problem here (apart from the original line of argumentation)
> is that there are two kinds of PostgreSQL installations:
> - installations done on dubious hardware with minimal tuning
>   (the "cheap crowd")
> - installations done on good hardware, where people make an effort to
>   properly configure the database (the "serious crowd")
> I am aware that this is an oversimplification for the sake of the argument.
> The voices against checksums on by default are probably thinking of
> the serious crowd.
> If checksums were enabled by default, the cheap crowd would benefit
> from the early warnings that something has gone wrong.
> The serious crowd are more likely to choose a non-default setting
> to avoid paying the price for a feature that they don't need.

I don't really buy this argument. That way we're going to have an ever growing 
set of things that need to be tuned to have a database that's usable in an even 
halfway busy setup. That's unavoidable in some cases, but it's a significant 
cost across use cases.

Increasing the overhead in the default config from one version to the next 
isn't great - it makes people more hesitant to upgrade. It's also not a cost 
you're going to find all that quickly, and it's a really hard to pin down cost.


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