On Tue, Jan 19, 2021 at 1:54 PM Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
> James Hilliard <james.hillia...@gmail.com> writes:
> > On Tue, Jan 19, 2021 at 10:17 AM Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
> >> Ah, got it.  So "xcrun --show-sdk-path" tells us the right thing (that
> >> is, it *does* give us a symlink to a 10.15 SDK) but by refusing to
> >> believe we've got the right thing, we end up picking MacOSX11.1.sdk.
> >> Drat.  I suppose we could drop the heuristic about wanting a version
> >> number in the SDK path, but I really don't want to do that.  Now I'm
> >> thinking about trying to dereference the symlink after the first step.
> > The MacOSX11.1.sdk can build for a 10.15 target just fine when passed
> > an appropriate MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET, so that SDK should be
> > fine.
> But our out-of-the-box default should be to build for the current
> platform; we don't want users to have to set MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET
> for that case.  Besides, the problem we're having is exactly that Apple's
> definition of "builds for a 10.15 target just fine" is different from
> ours.  They think you should use a run-time test not a compile-time test
> to discover whether preadv is available, and we don't want to do that.
The default for MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET is always the current
running OS version from my understanding. So if I build with MacOSX11.1.sdk
on 10.15 with default settings the binaries will work fine because the
MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET gets set to 10.15 automatically even
if the same SDK is capable of producing incompatible binaries if you set
> In almost all of the cases I've seen so far, Apple's compiler actually
> does default to using an SDK matching the platform.  The problem we
> have is that we try to name the SDK explicitly, and the current
> method is failing to pick the right one in your case.  There are
> several reasons for using an explicit -isysroot rather than just
> letting the compiler default:
No, it's only the MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET that matches the
platform, SDK can be arbitrary more or less, but it will work fine because
the autoselected MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET will force compatibility
no matter what SDK version you use. This is always how it has worked
from what I've seen.
> * We have seen cases in which the compiler acts as though it has
> *no* default sysroot, and we have to help it out.
> * The explicit root reduces version-skew build hazards for extensions
> that are not built at the same time as the core system.
The deployment target is effectively entirely separate from SDK version,
so it really shouldn't make a difference unless the SDK is significantly
older or newer than the running version from what I can tell.
> * There are a few tests in configure itself that need to know the
> sysroot path to check for files there.
> Anyway, the behavior you're seeing shows that 4823621db is still a
> bit shy of a load.  I'm thinking about the attached as a further
> fix --- can you verify it helps for you?
Best I can tell it provides no change for me(this patch is tested on top of it)
because it does not provide any MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET
based feature detection for pwritev at all.
>                         regards, tom lane

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