On 2021-Jan-28, Alexey Kondratov wrote:

> I have read more about lock levels and ShareLock should prevent any kind of
> physical modification of indexes. We already hold ShareLock doing
> find_all_inheritors(), which is higher than ShareUpdateExclusiveLock, so
> using ShareLock seems to be safe here, but I will look on it closer.

You can look at lock.c where LockConflicts[] is; that would tell you
that ShareLock indeed conflicts with ShareUpdateExclusiveLock ... but it
does not conflict with itself!  So it would be possible to have more
than one process doing this thing at the same time, which surely makes
no sense.

I didn't look at the patch closely enough to understand why you're
trying to do something like CLUSTER, VACUUM FULL or REINDEX without
holding full AccessExclusiveLock on the relation.  But do keep in mind
that once you hold a lock on a relation, trying to grab a weaker lock
afterwards is pretty pointless.

Álvaro Herrera                            39°49'30"S 73°17'W
"E pur si muove" (Galileo Galilei)

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