On Wed, Jan 27, 2021 at 11:30 AM Michail Nikolaev
<michail.nikol...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sorry for necroposting, but if someone is interested - I hope the patch is 
> ready now and available in the other thread (1).

I wonder if it would help to not actually use the LP_DEAD bit for
this. Instead, you could use the currently-unused-in-indexes
LP_REDIRECT bit. The general idea here is that this status bit is
interpreted as a "recently dead" bit in nbtree. It is always something
that is true *relative* to some *ephemeral* coarse-grained definition
of recently dead. Whether or not "recently dead" means "dead to my
particular MVCC snapshot" can be determined using some kind of
in-memory state that won't survive a crash (or a per-index-page
epoch?). We still have LP_DEAD bits in this world, which work in the
same way as now (and so unambiguously indicate that the index tuple is
dead-to-all, at least on the primary). I think that this idea of a
"recently dead" bit might be able to accomplish a few goals all at
once, including your specific goal of setting "hint bits" in indexes.

The issue here is that it would also be nice to use a "recently dead"
bit on the primary, but if you do that then maybe you're back to the
original problem. OTOH, I also think that we could repurpose the
LP_NORMAL bit in index AMs, so we could potentially have 3 different
definitions of dead-ness without great difficulty!

Perhaps this doesn't seem all that helpful, since I am expanding scope
here for a project that is already very difficult. And maybe it just
isn't helpful -- I don't know. But it is at least possible that
expanding scope could actually *help* your case a lot, even if you
only ever care about your original goal. My personal experience with
nbtree patches is just that: sometimes *expanding* scope actually
makes things *easier*, not harder. This is sometimes called "The
Inventor's Paradox":


Consider the example of my work on nbtree in PostgreSQL 12. It was
actually about 6 or 7 enhancements, not just 1 big enhancement -- it
is easy to forget that now. I think that it was *necessary* to add at
least 5 of these enhancements at the same time (maybe 2 or so really
were optional). This is deeply counter-intuitive, but still seems to
be true in my case. The specific reasons why I believe that this is
true of the PostgreSQL 12 work are complicated, but it boils down to
this: the ~5 related-though-distinct enhancements were individually
not all that compelling (certainly not compelling enough to make
on-disk changes for), but were much greater than the sum of their
parts when considered together. Maybe I got lucky there.

More generally, the nbtree stuff that I worked on in 12, 13, and now
14 actually feels like one big project to me. I will refrain from
explaining exactly why that is right now, but you might be very
surprised at how closely related it all is. I didn't exactly plan it
that way, but trying to see things in the most general terms turned
out to be a huge asset to me. If there are several independent reasons
to move in one particular direction all at once, you can generally
afford to be wrong about a lot of things without it truly harming
anybody. Plus it's easy to see that you will not frustrate future work
that is closely related but distinct when that future work is
*directly enabled* by what you're doing.

What's more, the extra stuff I'm talking about probably has a bunch of
other benefits on the primary, if done well. Consider how the deletion
stuff with LP_DEAD bits now considers "extra" index tuples to delete
when they're close by. We could even do something like that with these
LP_REDIRECT/recently dead bits on the primary.

I understand that it's hard to have a really long term outlook. I
think that that's almost necessary when working on a project like
this, though.

Don't forget that this works both ways. Maybe a person that wanted to
do this "recently dead" stuff (which sounds really interesting to me
right now) would similarly be compelled to consider the bigger
picture, including the question of setting hint bits on standbys --
this other person had better not make that harder in the future, for
the same reasons (obviously what you want to do here makes sense, it
just isn't everything to everybody). This is yet another way in which
expanding scope can help.

Peter Geoghegan

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