
Problem statement:
I have to develop a solution in which a single source populates a table. Once 
the table is populated, it is considered as read-only and then we run many 
read-only queries on it.
Such read-only tables are generated by multiple simulation runs: each 
simulation populates an independent table, meaning there is no cross-write to 
the tables.
However, the read-only queries can be executed on a single or multiple tables.
In my environment I have plenty of machines to run the simulations and I can’t 
use these machines to have a postgres compute farm as a cloud solution. So I 
can’t use my machines to run endless postgres server jobs as the solution is 
intended for.

My idea is:
Stage 1: Ad-hoc server+client for populating a table: start a server+client on 
a local machine, populate the table and stop the server+client. The data-dir is 
hosted in a central file system (e.g. NFS).
Stage 2: Ad-hoc server+client for querying the now read-only table(s) from step 
1:  start a server+client on a local machine, run read-only queries and stop 
the server+client.
In order to implement stage 2 I will:
1.            Create a new ad-hoc empty data-dir
2.            Create a soft-link from each data-dirtable files (including its 
index files) that is needed for the query to the ad-hoc data-dir.
Note that files in multiple data-dirs can be linked to the ad-hoc data-dir.
3.            Update postgress catalog tables in the ad-hoc data-dir according 
to above soft-links
4.            To guarantee that there will be no modifications of read-only 
table files, I will implement a table-am (access methods) which registers ONLY 
the table-am callback functions that are relevant for running read-only queries.
Since it is possible to run multiple queries on each table, there can be 
multiple instances of client-server describes in stage 2 running simultaneously.

Any thoughts?
Can it work?
My concern is for the process described in stage2#4: can I truly rely on 
callback functions running read-only queries do not update behind the scene the 
read-only table files?
Any other suggestion to develop & maintain a sustainable solution?

Intel Israel (74) Limited

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