On Thu, Feb 18, 2021 at 12:34 AM Amit Langote <amitlangot...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Your revised version seems OK, though I do have a concern:
> > Is the use of "table_close(rel, NoLock)'' intentional? That will keep
> > the lock (lockmode) until end-of-transaction.
> I think we always keep any locks on relations that are involved in a
> plan until end-of-transaction.  What if a partition is changed in an
> unsafe manner between being considered safe for parallel insertion and
> actually performing the parallel insert?
> BTW, I just noticed that exctract_query_dependencies() runs on a
> rewritten, but not-yet-planned query tree, that is, I didn't know that
> extract_query_dependencies() only populates the CachedPlanSource's
> relationOids and not CachedPlan's.  The former is only for tracking
> the dependencies of an unplanned Query, so partitions should never be
> added to it.  Instead, they should be added to
> PlannedStmt.relationOids (note PlannedStmt belongs to CachedPlan),
> which is kind of what your earlier patch did.  Needless to say,
> PlanCacheRelCallback checks both CachedPlanSource.relationOids and
> PlannedStmt.relationOids, so if it receives a message about a
> partition, its OID is matched from the latter.
> All that is to say that we should move our code to add partition OIDs
> as plan dependencies to somewhere in set_plan_references(), which
> otherwise populates PlannedStmt.relationOids.  I updated the patch to
> do that.

OK, understood. Thanks for the detailed explanation.

> It also occurred to me that we can avoid pointless adding of
> partitions if the final plan won't use parallelism.  For that, the
> patch adds checking glob->parallelModeNeeded, which seems to do the
> trick though I don't know if that's the correct way of doing that.

I'm not sure if's pointless adding partitions even in the case of NOT
using parallelism, because we may be relying on the result of
parallel-safety checks on partitions in both cases.
For example, insert_parallel.sql currently includes a test (that you
originally provided in a previous post) that checks a non-parallel
plan is generated after a parallel-unsafe trigger is created on a
partition involved in the INSERT.
If I further add to that test by then dropping that trigger and then
again using EXPLAIN to see what plan is generated, then I'd expect a
parallel-plan to be generated, but with the setrefs-v3.patch it still
generates a non-parallel plan. So I think the "&&
glob->parallelModeNeeded" part of test needs to be removed.

Greg Nancarrow
Fujitsu Australia

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