> On 11 Feb 2021, at 16:06, Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
> Maybe there is some useful thing that can be accomplished here, but we
> need to consider the bigger picture rather than believing (without proof)
> that a few hook variables will be enough to do anything.
>                       regards, tom lane

Pluggable wire protocol is a game-changer on its own. 

The bigger picture is that a right protocol choice enables large-scale 
architectural simplifications for whole classes of production applications.

For browser-based applications (lob, saas, e-commerce), having the database 
server speak the browser protocol enables architectures without backend 
application code. This in turn leads to significant reductions of latency, 
complexity, and application development time. And it’s not just lack of backend 
code: one also profits from all the existing infrastructure like per-query 
compression/format choice, browser connection management, sse, multiple 
streams, prioritization, caching/cdns, etc.

Don’t know if you’d consider it as a proof, yet I am seeing 2x to 4x latency 
reduction in production applications from protocol conversion to http/2. My 
present solution is a simple connection pooler I built on top of Nginx 
transforming the tcp stream as it passes through.

In a recent case, letting the browser talk directly to the database allowed me 
to get rid of a ~100k-sloc .net backend and all the complexity and 
infrastructure that goes with coding/testing/deploying/maintaining it, while 
keeping all the positives: per-query compression/data conversion, querying 
multiple databases over a single connection, session cookies, etc. Deployment 
is trivial compared to what was before. Latency is down 2x-4x across the board.

Having some production experience with this approach, I can see how 
http/2-speaking Postgres would further reduce latency, processing cost, and 
time-to-interaction for applications.

A similar case can be made for IoT where one would want to plug an 
iot-optimized protocol. Again, most of the benefit is possible with a 
protocol-converting proxy, but there are additional non-trivial performance 
gains to be had if the database server speaks the right protocol.

While not the only use cases, I’d venture a guess these represent a sizable 
chunk of what Postgres is used for today, and will be used even more for, so 
the positive impact of a pluggable protocol would be significant.


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