
* ( wrote:
> From: Stephen Frost <>
> > * ( wrote:
> > As for data loading tools, surely they support loading data into UNLOGGED
> > tables and it's certainly not hard to have a script run around and flip 
> > those
> > tables to LOGGED after they're loaded, and I do actually believe some of 
> > those
> > tools support building processes of which one step could be such a command
> > (I'm fairly confident Pentaho, in particular, does as I remember building 
> > such
> > pipelines myself...).
> Oh, Pentaho has such a feature, doesn't it?  But isn't it a separate step 
> from the data output step?  Here, I assume ETL tools allow users to compose a 
> data loading job from multiple steps: data input, transformation, data 
> output, etc.  I guess the user can't directly incorporate ALTER TABLE into 
> the data output step, and has to add separate custom steps for ALTER TABLE.  
> That's burdonsome and forgettable, I think.

None of the arguments presented here has done anything to change my
opinion that adding a 'none' WAL level is a bad idea.



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