On Sat, Feb 13, 2021 at 04:56:29AM -0800, Noah Misch wrote:
> I'm attaching the patch for $SUBJECT, which applies atop the four patches from
> the two other threads below.  For convenience of testing, I've included a
> rollup patch, equivalent to applying all five patches.

I committed prerequisites from one thread, so here's a rebased rollup patch.
Author:     Noah Misch <n...@leadboat.com>
Commit:     Noah Misch <n...@leadboat.com>

    Rollup of three patches, for easy testing.

diff --git a/contrib/postgres_fdw/expected/postgres_fdw.out 
index 0649b6b..1bcc29b 100644
--- a/contrib/postgres_fdw/expected/postgres_fdw.out
+++ b/contrib/postgres_fdw/expected/postgres_fdw.out
@@ -8925,7 +8925,7 @@ $d$;
 -- But creation of user mappings for non-superusers should fail
 CREATE USER MAPPING FOR public SERVER loopback_nopw;
+CREATE FOREIGN TABLE pg_temp.ft1_nopw (
        c1 int NOT NULL,
        c2 int NOT NULL,
        c3 text,
diff --git a/contrib/postgres_fdw/sql/postgres_fdw.sql 
index 2b525ea..803e288 100644
--- a/contrib/postgres_fdw/sql/postgres_fdw.sql
+++ b/contrib/postgres_fdw/sql/postgres_fdw.sql
@@ -2595,7 +2595,7 @@ $d$;
 CREATE USER MAPPING FOR public SERVER loopback_nopw;
+CREATE FOREIGN TABLE pg_temp.ft1_nopw (
        c1 int NOT NULL,
        c2 int NOT NULL,
        c3 text,
diff --git a/doc/src/sgml/ddl.sgml b/doc/src/sgml/ddl.sgml
index f073fba..550b3d0 100644
--- a/doc/src/sgml/ddl.sgml
+++ b/doc/src/sgml/ddl.sgml
@@ -2976,20 +2976,18 @@ SELECT 3 OPERATOR(pg_catalog.+) 4;
     By default, users cannot access any objects in schemas they do not
     own.  To allow that, the owner of the schema must grant the
-    <literal>USAGE</literal> privilege on the schema.  To allow users
-    to make use of the objects in the schema, additional privileges
-    might need to be granted, as appropriate for the object.
+    <literal>USAGE</literal> privilege on the schema.  By default, everyone
+    has that privilege on the schema <literal>public</literal>.  To allow
+    users to make use of the objects in a schema, additional privileges might
+    need to be granted, as appropriate for the object.
-    A user can also be allowed to create objects in someone else's
-    schema.  To allow that, the <literal>CREATE</literal> privilege on
-    the schema needs to be granted.  Note that by default, everyone
-    has <literal>CREATE</literal> and <literal>USAGE</literal> privileges on
-    the schema
-    <literal>public</literal>.  This allows all users that are able to
-    connect to a given database to create objects in its
-    <literal>public</literal> schema.
+    A user can also be allowed to create objects in someone else's schema.  To
+    allow that, the <literal>CREATE</literal> privilege on the schema needs to
+    be granted.  In databases upgraded from
+    <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> 13 or earlier, everyone has that
+    privilege on the schema <literal>public</literal>.
     Some <link linkend="ddl-schemas-patterns">usage patterns</link> call for
     revoking that privilege:
@@ -3062,20 +3060,25 @@ REVOKE CREATE ON SCHEMA public FROM PUBLIC;
            database owner attack. -->
        Constrain ordinary users to user-private schemas.  To implement this,
-       issue <literal>REVOKE CREATE ON SCHEMA public FROM PUBLIC</literal>,
-       and create a schema for each user with the same name as that user.
-       Recall that the default search path starts
-       with <literal>$user</literal>, which resolves to the user name.
-       Therefore, if each user has a separate schema, they access their own
-       schemas by default.  After adopting this pattern in a database where
-       untrusted users had already logged in, consider auditing the public
-       schema for objects named like objects in
+       first issue <literal>REVOKE CREATE ON SCHEMA public FROM
+       PUBLIC</literal>.  Then, for every user needing to create non-temporary
+       objects, create a schema with the same name as that user.  Recall that
+       the default search path starts with <literal>$user</literal>, which
+       resolves to the user name.  Therefore, if each user has a separate
+       schema, they access their own schemas by default.  After adopting this
+       pattern in a database where untrusted users had already logged in,
+       consider auditing the public schema for objects named like objects in
        schema <literal>pg_catalog</literal>.  This pattern is a secure schema
        usage pattern unless an untrusted user is the database owner or holds
        the <literal>CREATEROLE</literal> privilege, in which case no secure
        schema usage pattern exists.
+       If the database originated in an upgrade
+       from <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> 13 or earlier,
+       the <literal>REVOKE</literal> is essential.  Otherwise, the default
+       configuration follows this pattern; ordinary users can create only
+       temporary objects until a privileged user furnishes a schema.
@@ -3084,10 +3087,10 @@ REVOKE CREATE ON SCHEMA public FROM PUBLIC;
        Remove the public schema from the default search path, by modifying
        or by issuing <literal>ALTER ROLE ALL SET search_path =
-       "$user"</literal>.  Everyone retains the ability to create objects in
-       the public schema, but only qualified names will choose those objects.
-       While qualified table references are fine, calls to functions in the
-       public schema <link linkend="typeconv-func">will be unsafe or
+       "$user"</literal>.  Then, grant privileges to create in the public
+       schema.  Only qualified names will choose public schema objects.  While
+       qualified table references are fine, calls to functions in the public
+       schema <link linkend="typeconv-func">will be unsafe or
        unreliable</link>.  If you create functions or extensions in the public
        schema, use the first pattern instead.  Otherwise, like the first
        pattern, this is secure unless an untrusted user is the database owner
@@ -3097,11 +3100,14 @@ REVOKE CREATE ON SCHEMA public FROM PUBLIC;
-       Keep the default.  All users access the public schema implicitly.  This
+       Keep the default search path, and grant privileges to create in the
+       public schema.  All users access the public schema implicitly.  This
        simulates the situation where schemas are not available at all, giving
        a smooth transition from the non-schema-aware world.  However, this is
        never a secure pattern.  It is acceptable only when the database has a
-       single user or a few mutually-trusting users.
+       single user or a few mutually-trusting users.  In databases upgraded
+       from <productname>PostgreSQL</productname> 13 or earlier, this is the
+       default.
diff --git a/doc/src/sgml/user-manag.sgml b/doc/src/sgml/user-manag.sgml
index 6920f2d..9dc8ab2 100644
--- a/doc/src/sgml/user-manag.sgml
+++ b/doc/src/sgml/user-manag.sgml
@@ -578,13 +578,14 @@ DROP ROLE doomed_role;
   The <literal>pg_database_owner</literal> role has one implicit,
-  situation-dependent member, namely the owner of the current database.  The
-  role conveys no rights at first.  Like any role, it can own objects or
-  receive grants of access privileges.  Consequently, once
-  <literal>pg_database_owner</literal> has rights within a template database,
-  each owner of a database instantiated from that template will exercise those
-  rights.  <literal>pg_database_owner</literal> cannot be a member of any
-  role, and it cannot have non-implicit members.
+  situation-dependent member, namely the owner of the current database.  Like
+  any role, it can own objects or receive grants of access privileges.
+  Consequently, once <literal>pg_database_owner</literal> has rights within a
+  template database, each owner of a database instantiated from that template
+  will exercise those rights.  <literal>pg_database_owner</literal> cannot be
+  a member of any role, and it cannot have non-implicit members.  Initially,
+  this role owns the <literal>public</literal> schema, so each database owner
+  governs local use of the schema.
@@ -633,8 +634,8 @@ GRANT pg_signal_backend TO admin_user;
    horse</quote> others with relative ease. The strongest protection is tight
    control over who can define objects. Where that is infeasible, write
    queries referring only to objects having trusted owners.  Remove
-   from <varname>search_path</varname> the public schema and any other schemas
-   that permit untrusted users to create objects.
+   from <varname>search_path</varname> any schemas that permit untrusted users
+   to create objects.
diff --git a/src/bin/initdb/initdb.c b/src/bin/initdb/initdb.c
index 3c1cf78..738b2cf 100644
--- a/src/bin/initdb/initdb.c
+++ b/src/bin/initdb/initdb.c
@@ -1702,8 +1702,7 @@ setup_privileges(FILE *cmdfd)
                CppAsString2(RELKIND_VIEW) ", " CppAsString2(RELKIND_MATVIEW) 
", "
                CppAsString2(RELKIND_SEQUENCE) ")"
                "  AND relacl IS NULL;\n\n",
-               "GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA pg_catalog TO PUBLIC;\n\n",
-               "GRANT CREATE, USAGE ON SCHEMA public TO PUBLIC;\n\n",
+               "GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA pg_catalog, public TO PUBLIC;\n\n",
                "REVOKE ALL ON pg_largeobject FROM PUBLIC;\n\n",
                "INSERT INTO pg_init_privs "
                "  (objoid, classoid, objsubid, initprivs, privtype)"
diff --git a/src/bin/pg_dump/dumputils.c b/src/bin/pg_dump/dumputils.c
index 60d306e..ea67e52 100644
--- a/src/bin/pg_dump/dumputils.c
+++ b/src/bin/pg_dump/dumputils.c
@@ -725,6 +725,7 @@ void
 buildACLQueries(PQExpBuffer acl_subquery, PQExpBuffer racl_subquery,
                                PQExpBuffer init_acl_subquery, PQExpBuffer 
                                const char *acl_column, const char *acl_owner,
+                               const char *initprivs_expr,
                                const char *obj_kind, bool binary_upgrade)
@@ -765,23 +766,25 @@ buildACLQueries(PQExpBuffer acl_subquery, PQExpBuffer 
                                          "WITH ORDINALITY AS perm(acl,row_n) "
                                          "WHERE NOT EXISTS ( "
                                          "SELECT 1 FROM "
"pg_catalog.unnest(coalesce(pip.initprivs,pg_catalog.acldefault(%s,%s))) "
"pg_catalog.unnest(coalesce(%s,pg_catalog.acldefault(%s,%s))) "
                                          "AS init(init_acl) WHERE acl = 
init_acl)) as foo)",
+                                         initprivs_expr,
                                          "(SELECT pg_catalog.array_agg(acl 
ORDER BY row_n) FROM "
                                          "(SELECT acl, row_n FROM "
"pg_catalog.unnest(coalesce(pip.initprivs,pg_catalog.acldefault(%s,%s))) "
"pg_catalog.unnest(coalesce(%s,pg_catalog.acldefault(%s,%s))) "
                                          "WITH ORDINALITY AS initp(acl,row_n) "
                                          "WHERE NOT EXISTS ( "
                                          "SELECT 1 FROM "
"pg_catalog.unnest(coalesce(%s,pg_catalog.acldefault(%s,%s))) "
                                          "AS permp(orig_acl) WHERE acl = 
orig_acl)) as foo)",
+                                         initprivs_expr,
@@ -807,12 +810,13 @@ buildACLQueries(PQExpBuffer acl_subquery, PQExpBuffer 
                                                  "CASE WHEN privtype = 'e' 
pg_catalog.array_agg(acl ORDER BY row_n) FROM "
-                                                 "(SELECT acl, row_n FROM 
pg_catalog.unnest(pip.initprivs) "
+                                                 "(SELECT acl, row_n FROM 
pg_catalog.unnest(%s) "
                                                  "WITH ORDINALITY AS 
initp(acl,row_n) "
                                                  "WHERE NOT EXISTS ( "
                                                  "SELECT 1 FROM "
"pg_catalog.unnest(pg_catalog.acldefault(%s,%s)) "
                                                  "AS privm(orig_acl) WHERE acl 
= orig_acl)) as foo) END",
+                                                 initprivs_expr,
@@ -823,10 +827,11 @@ buildACLQueries(PQExpBuffer acl_subquery, PQExpBuffer 
"pg_catalog.unnest(pg_catalog.acldefault(%s,%s)) "
                                                  "WITH ORDINALITY AS 
privp(acl,row_n) "
                                                  "WHERE NOT EXISTS ( "
-                                                 "SELECT 1 FROM 
pg_catalog.unnest(pip.initprivs) "
+                                                 "SELECT 1 FROM 
pg_catalog.unnest(%s) "
                                                  "AS initp(init_acl) WHERE acl 
= init_acl)) as foo) END",
-                                                 acl_owner);
+                                                 acl_owner,
+                                                 initprivs_expr);
diff --git a/src/bin/pg_dump/dumputils.h b/src/bin/pg_dump/dumputils.h
index 6e97da7..f5465f1 100644
--- a/src/bin/pg_dump/dumputils.h
+++ b/src/bin/pg_dump/dumputils.h
@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ extern void emitShSecLabels(PGconn *conn, PGresult *res,
 extern void buildACLQueries(PQExpBuffer acl_subquery, PQExpBuffer 
init_acl_subquery, PQExpBuffer init_racl_subquery,
                                                        const char *acl_column, 
const char *acl_owner,
+                                                       const char 
                                                        const char *obj_kind, 
bool binary_upgrade);
 extern bool variable_is_guc_list_quote(const char *name);
diff --git a/src/bin/pg_dump/pg_backup_archiver.c 
index 0ac8b18..1d00fdc 100644
--- a/src/bin/pg_dump/pg_backup_archiver.c
+++ b/src/bin/pg_dump/pg_backup_archiver.c
@@ -3629,10 +3629,13 @@ _printTocEntry(ArchiveHandle *AH, TocEntry *te, bool 
         * Actually print the definition.
         * Really crude hack for suppressing AUTHORIZATION clause that old 
-        * versions put into CREATE SCHEMA.  We have to do this when --no-owner
-        * mode is selected.  This is ugly, but I see no other good way ...
+        * versions put into CREATE SCHEMA.  Don't mutate the modern definition
+        * for schema "public", which consists of a comment.  We have to do this
+        * when --no-owner mode is selected.  This is ugly, but I see no other
+        * good way ...
-       if (ropt->noOwner && strcmp(te->desc, "SCHEMA") == 0)
+       if (ropt->noOwner &&
+               strcmp(te->desc, "SCHEMA") == 0 && strncmp(te->defn, "--", 2) 
!= 0)
                ahprintf(AH, "CREATE SCHEMA %s;\n\n\n", fmtId(te->tag));
@@ -3644,11 +3647,16 @@ _printTocEntry(ArchiveHandle *AH, TocEntry *te, bool 
         * If we aren't using SET SESSION AUTH to determine ownership, we must
-        * instead issue an ALTER OWNER command.  We assume that anything 
-        * a DROP command is not a separately ownable object.  All the 
-        * with DROP commands must appear in one list or the other.
+        * instead issue an ALTER OWNER command.  Schema "public" is special; a
+        * dump never creates it, so we use ALTER OWNER even when using SET
+        * SESSION for all other objects.  We assume that anything without a 
+        * command is not a separately ownable object.  All the categories with
+        * DROP commands must appear in one list or the other.
-       if (!ropt->noOwner && !ropt->use_setsessauth &&
+       if (!ropt->noOwner &&
+               (!ropt->use_setsessauth ||
+                (strcmp(te->tag, "public") == 0
+                 && strcmp(te->desc, "SCHEMA") == 0)) &&
                te->owner && strlen(te->owner) > 0 &&
                te->dropStmt && strlen(te->dropStmt) > 0)
diff --git a/src/bin/pg_dump/pg_dump.c b/src/bin/pg_dump/pg_dump.c
index da6cc05..c4f3bd2 100644
--- a/src/bin/pg_dump/pg_dump.c
+++ b/src/bin/pg_dump/pg_dump.c
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
 #include "catalog/pg_aggregate_d.h"
 #include "catalog/pg_am_d.h"
 #include "catalog/pg_attribute_d.h"
+#include "catalog/pg_authid_d.h"
 #include "catalog/pg_cast_d.h"
 #include "catalog/pg_class_d.h"
 #include "catalog/pg_collation_d.h"
@@ -1571,13 +1572,15 @@ selectDumpableNamespace(NamespaceInfo *nsinfo, Archive 
                 * The public schema is a strange beast that sits in a sort of
-                * no-mans-land between being a system object and a user 
object.  We
-                * don't want to dump creation or comment commands for it, 
-                * that complicates matters for non-superuser use of pg_dump.  
But we
-                * should dump any ACL changes that have occurred for it, and of
-                * course we should dump contained objects.
+                * no-mans-land between being a system object and a user object.
+                * CREATE SCHEMA would fail, so its DUMP_COMPONENT_DEFINITION 
is just
+                * a comment and an indication of ownership.  If the owner is 
+                * default, omit that superfluous DUMP_COMPONENT_DEFINITION.  
+                * v14, the default owner was BOOTSTRAP_SUPERUSERID.
-               nsinfo->dobj.dump = DUMP_COMPONENT_ACL;
+               nsinfo->dobj.dump = DUMP_COMPONENT_ALL;
+               if (nsinfo->nspowner == DEFAULT_ROLE_DATABASE_OWNER)
+                       nsinfo->dobj.dump &= ~DUMP_COMPONENT_DEFINITION;
                nsinfo->dobj.dump_contains = DUMP_COMPONENT_ALL;
@@ -3402,8 +3405,8 @@ getBlobs(Archive *fout)
                PQExpBuffer init_racl_subquery = createPQExpBuffer();
                buildACLQueries(acl_subquery, racl_subquery, init_acl_subquery,
-                                               init_racl_subquery, "l.lomacl", 
"l.lomowner", "'L'",
-                                               dopt->binary_upgrade);
+                                               init_racl_subquery, "l.lomacl", 
+                                               "pip.initprivs", "'L'", 
                                                  "SELECT l.oid, (%s 
l.lomowner) AS rolname, "
@@ -4804,6 +4807,7 @@ getNamespaces(Archive *fout, int *numNamespaces)
        int                     i_tableoid;
        int                     i_oid;
        int                     i_nspname;
+       int                     i_nspowner;
        int                     i_rolname;
        int                     i_nspacl;
        int                     i_rnspacl;
@@ -4823,11 +4827,32 @@ getNamespaces(Archive *fout, int *numNamespaces)
                PQExpBuffer init_acl_subquery = createPQExpBuffer();
                PQExpBuffer init_racl_subquery = createPQExpBuffer();
+               /*
+                * Bypass pg_init_privs.initprivs for the public schema, for 
+                * reasons.  First, dropping and recreating the schema detaches 
+                * from its pg_init_privs row, but an empty destination database
+                * starts with this ACL nonetheless.  Second, we support 
+                * of public schema ownership changes.  ALTER SCHEMA OWNER 
+                * nspacl through aclnewowner(), but initprivs continues to 
+                * the initial owner.  Hence, synthesize the value that nspacl 
+                * have after the restore's ALTER SCHEMA OWNER.  Third, this 
makes the
+                * destination database match the source's ACL, even if the 
latter was
+                * an initdb-default ACL, which changed in v14.  An upgrade 
pulls in
+                * changes to most system object ACLs that the DBA had not 
+                * We've made the public schema depart from that, because 
changing its
+                * ACL so easily breaks applications.
+                */
                buildACLQueries(acl_subquery, racl_subquery, init_acl_subquery,
-                                               init_racl_subquery, "n.nspacl", 
"n.nspowner", "'n'",
-                                               dopt->binary_upgrade);
+                                               init_racl_subquery, "n.nspacl", 
+                                               "CASE WHEN n.nspname = 'public' 
THEN array["
+                                               "  format('%s=UC/%s', "
+                                               "         n.nspowner::regrole, 
+                                               "  format('=U/%s', 
n.nspowner::regrole)]::aclitem[] "
+                                               "ELSE pip.initprivs END",
+                                               "'n'", dopt->binary_upgrade);
                appendPQExpBuffer(query, "SELECT n.tableoid, n.oid, n.nspname, "
+                                                 "n.nspowner, "
                                                  "(%s nspowner) AS rolname, "
                                                  "%s as nspacl, "
                                                  "%s as rnspacl, "
@@ -4852,7 +4877,7 @@ getNamespaces(Archive *fout, int *numNamespaces)
-               appendPQExpBuffer(query, "SELECT tableoid, oid, nspname, "
+               appendPQExpBuffer(query, "SELECT tableoid, oid, nspname, 
nspowner, "
                                                  "(%s nspowner) AS rolname, "
                                                  "nspacl, NULL as rnspacl, "
                                                  "NULL AS initnspacl, NULL as 
initrnspacl "
@@ -4868,6 +4893,7 @@ getNamespaces(Archive *fout, int *numNamespaces)
        i_tableoid = PQfnumber(res, "tableoid");
        i_oid = PQfnumber(res, "oid");
        i_nspname = PQfnumber(res, "nspname");
+       i_nspowner = PQfnumber(res, "nspowner");
        i_rolname = PQfnumber(res, "rolname");
        i_nspacl = PQfnumber(res, "nspacl");
        i_rnspacl = PQfnumber(res, "rnspacl");
@@ -4881,6 +4907,7 @@ getNamespaces(Archive *fout, int *numNamespaces)
                nsinfo[i].dobj.catId.oid = atooid(PQgetvalue(res, i, i_oid));
                nsinfo[i].dobj.name = pg_strdup(PQgetvalue(res, i, i_nspname));
+               nsinfo[i].nspowner = atooid(PQgetvalue(res, i, i_nspowner));
                nsinfo[i].rolname = pg_strdup(PQgetvalue(res, i, i_rolname));
                nsinfo[i].nspacl = pg_strdup(PQgetvalue(res, i, i_nspacl));
                nsinfo[i].rnspacl = pg_strdup(PQgetvalue(res, i, i_rnspacl));
@@ -5072,8 +5099,8 @@ getTypes(Archive *fout, int *numTypes)
                PQExpBuffer initracl_subquery = createPQExpBuffer();
                buildACLQueries(acl_subquery, racl_subquery, initacl_subquery,
-                                               initracl_subquery, "t.typacl", 
"t.typowner", "'T'",
-                                               dopt->binary_upgrade);
+                                               initracl_subquery, "t.typacl", 
+                                               "pip.initprivs", "'T'", 
                appendPQExpBuffer(query, "SELECT t.tableoid, t.oid, t.typname, "
                                                  "t.typnamespace, "
@@ -5774,8 +5801,8 @@ getAggregates(Archive *fout, int *numAggs)
                const char *agg_check;
                buildACLQueries(acl_subquery, racl_subquery, initacl_subquery,
-                                               initracl_subquery, "p.proacl", 
"p.proowner", "'f'",
-                                               dopt->binary_upgrade);
+                                               initracl_subquery, "p.proacl", 
+                                               "pip.initprivs", "'f'", 
                agg_check = (fout->remoteVersion >= 110000 ? "p.prokind = 'a'"
                                         : "p.proisagg");
@@ -5987,8 +6014,8 @@ getFuncs(Archive *fout, int *numFuncs)
                const char *not_agg_check;
                buildACLQueries(acl_subquery, racl_subquery, initacl_subquery,
-                                               initracl_subquery, "p.proacl", 
"p.proowner", "'f'",
-                                               dopt->binary_upgrade);
+                                               initracl_subquery, "p.proacl", 
+                                               "pip.initprivs", "'f'", 
                not_agg_check = (fout->remoteVersion >= 110000 ? "p.prokind <> 
                                                 : "NOT p.proisagg");
@@ -6284,13 +6311,14 @@ getTables(Archive *fout, int *numTables)
                buildACLQueries(acl_subquery, racl_subquery, initacl_subquery,
                                                initracl_subquery, "c.relacl", 
+                                               "pip.initprivs",
                                                "CASE WHEN c.relkind = " 
                                                " THEN 's' ELSE 'r' 
                buildACLQueries(attacl_subquery, attracl_subquery, 
-                                               attinitracl_subquery, 
"at.attacl", "c.relowner", "'c'",
-                                               dopt->binary_upgrade);
+                                               attinitracl_subquery, 
"at.attacl", "c.relowner",
+                                               "pip.initprivs", "'c'", 
                                                  "SELECT c.tableoid, c.oid, 
c.relname, "
@@ -8288,8 +8316,8 @@ getProcLangs(Archive *fout, int *numProcLangs)
                PQExpBuffer initracl_subquery = createPQExpBuffer();
                buildACLQueries(acl_subquery, racl_subquery, initacl_subquery,
-                                               initracl_subquery, "l.lanacl", 
"l.lanowner", "'l'",
-                                               dopt->binary_upgrade);
+                                               initracl_subquery, "l.lanacl", 
+                                               "pip.initprivs", "'l'", 
                /* pg_language has a laninline column */
                appendPQExpBuffer(query, "SELECT l.tableoid, l.oid, "
@@ -9479,8 +9507,8 @@ getForeignDataWrappers(Archive *fout, int 
                PQExpBuffer initracl_subquery = createPQExpBuffer();
                buildACLQueries(acl_subquery, racl_subquery, initacl_subquery,
-                                               initracl_subquery, "f.fdwacl", 
"f.fdwowner", "'F'",
-                                               dopt->binary_upgrade);
+                                               initracl_subquery, "f.fdwacl", 
+                                               "pip.initprivs", "'F'", 
                appendPQExpBuffer(query, "SELECT f.tableoid, f.oid, f.fdwname, "
                                                  "(%s f.fdwowner) AS rolname, "
@@ -9646,8 +9674,8 @@ getForeignServers(Archive *fout, int *numForeignServers)
                PQExpBuffer initracl_subquery = createPQExpBuffer();
                buildACLQueries(acl_subquery, racl_subquery, initacl_subquery,
-                                               initracl_subquery, "f.srvacl", 
"f.srvowner", "'S'",
-                                               dopt->binary_upgrade);
+                                               initracl_subquery, "f.srvacl", 
+                                               "pip.initprivs", "'S'", 
                appendPQExpBuffer(query, "SELECT f.tableoid, f.oid, f.srvname, "
                                                  "(%s f.srvowner) AS rolname, "
@@ -9793,6 +9821,7 @@ getDefaultACLs(Archive *fout, int *numDefaultACLs)
                buildACLQueries(acl_subquery, racl_subquery, initacl_subquery,
                                                initracl_subquery, "defaclacl", 
+                                               "pip.initprivs",
                                                "CASE WHEN defaclobjtype = 'S' 
THEN 's' ELSE defaclobjtype END::\"char\"",
@@ -9947,6 +9976,28 @@ dumpComment(Archive *fout, const char *type, const char 
+       /*
+        * Skip dumping the initdb-provided public schema comment, which would
+        * complicate matters for non-superuser use of pg_dump.  When the DBA 
+        * removed initdb's comment, replicate that.
+        */
+       if (strcmp(type, "SCHEMA") == 0 && strcmp(name, "public") == 0)
+       {
+               static CommentItem empty_comment = {.descr = ""};
+               if (ncomments == 0)
+               {
+                       comments = &empty_comment;
+                       ncomments = 1;
+               }
+               else if (strcmp(comments->descr, (fout->remoteVersion >= 80300 ?
  "standard public schema" :
  "Standard public schema")) == 0)
+               {
+                       ncomments = 0;
+               }
+       }
        /* If a comment exists, build COMMENT ON statement */
        if (ncomments > 0)
@@ -10410,9 +10461,19 @@ dumpNamespace(Archive *fout, const NamespaceInfo 
        qnspname = pg_strdup(fmtId(nspinfo->dobj.name));
-       appendPQExpBuffer(delq, "DROP SCHEMA %s;\n", qnspname);
-       appendPQExpBuffer(q, "CREATE SCHEMA %s;\n", qnspname);
+       if (strcmp(nspinfo->dobj.name, "public") == 0)
+       {
+               /* see selectDumpableNamespace() */
+               appendPQExpBufferStr(delq,
+                                                        "-- *not* dropping 
schema, since initdb creates it\n");
+               appendPQExpBufferStr(q,
+                                                        "-- *not* creating 
schema, since initdb creates it\n");
+       }
+       else
+       {
+               appendPQExpBuffer(delq, "DROP SCHEMA %s;\n", qnspname);
+               appendPQExpBuffer(q, "CREATE SCHEMA %s;\n", qnspname);
+       }
        if (dopt->binary_upgrade)
                binary_upgrade_extension_member(q, &nspinfo->dobj,
@@ -15560,8 +15621,8 @@ dumpTable(Archive *fout, const TableInfo *tbinfo)
                        PQExpBuffer initracl_subquery = createPQExpBuffer();
                        buildACLQueries(acl_subquery, racl_subquery, 
-                                                       initracl_subquery, 
"at.attacl", "c.relowner", "'c'",
-                                                       dopt->binary_upgrade);
+                                                       initracl_subquery, 
"at.attacl", "c.relowner",
+                                                       "pip.initprivs", "'c'", 
                                                          "SELECT at.attname, "
diff --git a/src/bin/pg_dump/pg_dump.h b/src/bin/pg_dump/pg_dump.h
index 5340843..e4256fa 100644
--- a/src/bin/pg_dump/pg_dump.h
+++ b/src/bin/pg_dump/pg_dump.h
@@ -142,6 +142,7 @@ typedef struct _dumpableObject
 typedef struct _namespaceInfo
        DumpableObject dobj;
+       Oid                     nspowner;
        char       *rolname;            /* name of owner, or empty string */
        char       *nspacl;
        char       *rnspacl;
diff --git a/src/bin/pg_dump/t/002_pg_dump.pl b/src/bin/pg_dump/t/002_pg_dump.pl
index 737e464..02b4418 100644
--- a/src/bin/pg_dump/t/002_pg_dump.pl
+++ b/src/bin/pg_dump/t/002_pg_dump.pl
@@ -125,6 +125,14 @@ my %pgdump_runs = (
+       defaults_public_owner => {
+               database => 'regress_public_owner',
+               dump_cmd => [
+                       'pg_dump', '--no-sync', '-f',
+                       "$tempdir/defaults_public_owner.sql",
+                       'regress_public_owner',
+               ],
+       },
        # Do not use --no-sync to give test coverage for data sync.
        defaults_custom_format => {
@@ -605,6 +613,26 @@ my %tests = (
                unlike => { no_owner => 1, },
+       'ALTER SCHEMA public OWNER TO' => {
+               create_order => 15,
+               create_sql =>
+                 'ALTER SCHEMA public OWNER TO "regress_quoted  \"" role";',
+               regexp => qr/^ALTER SCHEMA public OWNER TO .+;/m,
+               like   => {
+                       %full_runs, section_pre_data => 1,
+               },
+               unlike => { no_owner => 1, },
+       },
+       'ALTER SCHEMA public OWNER TO (w/o ACL changes)' => {
+               database     => 'regress_public_owner',
+               create_order => 100,
+               create_sql =>
+                 'ALTER SCHEMA public OWNER TO "regress_quoted  \"" role";',
+               regexp => qr/^(GRANT|REVOKE)/m,
+               unlike => { defaults_public_owner => 1 },
+       },
        'ALTER SEQUENCE test_table_col1_seq' => {
                regexp => qr/^
                        \QALTER SEQUENCE dump_test.test_table_col1_seq OWNED BY 
@@ -940,6 +968,23 @@ my %tests = (
                like => {},
+       'COMMENT ON SCHEMA public' => {
+               regexp => qr/^COMMENT ON SCHEMA public IS .+;/m,
+               # regress_public_owner emits this, due to create_sql of next 
+               like => {
+                       pg_dumpall_dbprivs => 1,
+                       pg_dumpall_exclude => 1,
+               },
+       },
+       'COMMENT ON SCHEMA public IS NULL' => {
+               database     => 'regress_public_owner',
+               create_order => 100,
+               create_sql   => 'COMMENT ON SCHEMA public IS NULL;',
+               regexp       => qr/^COMMENT ON SCHEMA public IS '';/m,
+               like         => { defaults_public_owner => 1 },
+       },
        'COMMENT ON TABLE dump_test.test_table' => {
                create_order => 36,
                create_sql   => 'COMMENT ON TABLE dump_test.test_table
@@ -1370,6 +1415,18 @@ my %tests = (
+       'CREATE ROLE regress_quoted...' => {
+               create_order => 1,
+               create_sql   => 'CREATE ROLE "regress_quoted  \"" role";',
+               regexp       => qr/^\QCREATE ROLE "regress_quoted  \"" 
+               like         => {
+                       pg_dumpall_dbprivs       => 1,
+                       pg_dumpall_exclude       => 1,
+                       pg_dumpall_globals       => 1,
+                       pg_dumpall_globals_clean => 1,
+               },
+       },
        'CREATE ACCESS METHOD gist2' => {
                create_order => 52,
                create_sql =>
@@ -3261,6 +3318,23 @@ my %tests = (
                unlike => { no_privs => 1, },
+       # With the exception of the public schema, we don't dump ownership 
+       # for objects originating at initdb.  Hence, any GRANT or REVOKE 
+       # owner privileges for those objects should reference the bootstrap
+       # superuser, not the dump-time owner.
+       'REVOKE EXECUTE ON FUNCTION pg_stat_reset FROM regress_dump_test_role' 
+         {
+               create_order => 15,
+               create_sql   => '
+                       ALTER FUNCTION pg_stat_reset OWNER TO 
+                       REVOKE EXECUTE ON FUNCTION pg_stat_reset
+                         FROM regress_dump_test_role;',
+               regexp => qr/^[^-].*pg_stat_reset.* regress_dump_test_role/m,
+               # this shouldn't ever get emitted
+               like => {},
+         },
        'REVOKE SELECT ON TABLE pg_proc FROM public' => {
                create_order => 45,
                create_sql   => 'REVOKE SELECT ON TABLE pg_proc FROM public;',
@@ -3270,12 +3344,12 @@ my %tests = (
                unlike => { no_privs => 1, },
-       'REVOKE CREATE ON SCHEMA public FROM public' => {
+       'REVOKE ALL ON SCHEMA public' => {
                create_order => 16,
-               create_sql   => 'REVOKE CREATE ON SCHEMA public FROM public;',
-               regexp       => qr/^
-                       \QREVOKE ALL ON SCHEMA public FROM PUBLIC;\E
-                       \n\QGRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA public TO PUBLIC;\E
+               create_sql =>
+                 'REVOKE ALL ON SCHEMA public FROM "regress_quoted  \"" 
+               regexp => qr/^
+                       \QREVOKE ALL ON SCHEMA public FROM "regress_quoted  \"" 
                like => { %full_runs, section_pre_data => 1, },
                unlike => { no_privs => 1, },
@@ -3376,8 +3450,9 @@ if ($collation_check_stderr !~ /ERROR: /)
        $collation_support = 1;
-# Create a second database for certain tests to work against
+# Create additional databases for mutations of schema public
 $node->psql('postgres', 'create database regress_pg_dump_test;');
+$node->psql('postgres', 'create database regress_public_owner;');
 # Start with number of command_fails_like()*2 tests below (each
 # command_fails_like is actually 2 tests)
diff --git a/src/include/catalog/pg_namespace.dat 
index 2ed136b..7932aa6 100644
--- a/src/include/catalog/pg_namespace.dat
+++ b/src/include/catalog/pg_namespace.dat
@@ -18,8 +18,9 @@
 { oid => '99', oid_symbol => 'PG_TOAST_NAMESPACE',
   descr => 'reserved schema for TOAST tables',
   nspname => 'pg_toast', nspacl => '_null_' },
+# update dumpComment() if changing this descr
 { oid => '2200', oid_symbol => 'PG_PUBLIC_NAMESPACE',
   descr => 'standard public schema',
-  nspname => 'public', nspacl => '_null_' },
+  nspname => 'public', nspowner => 'pg_database_owner', nspacl => '_null_' },
diff --git a/src/pl/plperl/expected/plperl_setup.out 
index a1a24df..5234feb 100644
--- a/src/pl/plperl/expected/plperl_setup.out
+++ b/src/pl/plperl/expected/plperl_setup.out
@@ -25,6 +25,9 @@ CREATE EXTENSION plperl;
 CREATE EXTENSION plperlu;  -- fail
 ERROR:  permission denied to create extension "plperlu"
 HINT:  Must be superuser to create this extension.
+CREATE SCHEMA plperl_setup_scratch;
+SET search_path = plperl_setup_scratch;
+GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA plperl_setup_scratch TO regress_user2;
 CREATE FUNCTION foo1() returns int language plperl as '1;';
 SELECT foo1();
@@ -34,6 +37,7 @@ SELECT foo1();
 -- Must reconnect to avoid failure with non-MULTIPLICITY Perl interpreters
 \c -
+SET search_path = plperl_setup_scratch;
 SET ROLE regress_user1;
 -- Should be able to change privileges on the language
 revoke all on language plperl from public;
diff --git a/src/pl/plperl/sql/plperl_setup.sql 
index 7484478..a89cf56 100644
--- a/src/pl/plperl/sql/plperl_setup.sql
+++ b/src/pl/plperl/sql/plperl_setup.sql
@@ -27,12 +27,16 @@ SET ROLE regress_user1;
 CREATE EXTENSION plperlu;  -- fail
+CREATE SCHEMA plperl_setup_scratch;
+SET search_path = plperl_setup_scratch;
+GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA plperl_setup_scratch TO regress_user2;
 CREATE FUNCTION foo1() returns int language plperl as '1;';
 SELECT foo1();
 -- Must reconnect to avoid failure with non-MULTIPLICITY Perl interpreters
 \c -
+SET search_path = plperl_setup_scratch;
 SET ROLE regress_user1;
diff --git a/src/test/regress/input/tablespace.source 
index c133e73..cb9774e 100644
--- a/src/test/regress/input/tablespace.source
+++ b/src/test/regress/input/tablespace.source
@@ -388,7 +388,7 @@ CREATE INDEX k ON testschema.tablespace_acl (c) TABLESPACE 
 ALTER TABLE testschema.tablespace_acl OWNER TO regress_tablespace_user2;
 SET SESSION ROLE regress_tablespace_user2;
-CREATE TABLE tablespace_table (i int) TABLESPACE regress_tblspace; -- fail
+CREATE TEMP TABLE tablespace_table (i int) TABLESPACE regress_tblspace; -- fail
 ALTER TABLE testschema.tablespace_acl ALTER c TYPE bigint;
 REINDEX (TABLESPACE regress_tblspace) TABLE tablespace_table; -- fail
 REINDEX (TABLESPACE regress_tblspace, CONCURRENTLY) TABLE tablespace_table; -- 
@@ -409,3 +409,6 @@ DROP SCHEMA testschema CASCADE;
 DROP ROLE regress_tablespace_user1;
 DROP ROLE regress_tablespace_user2;
+-- Rest of this suite can use the public schema freely.
+GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO public;
diff --git a/src/test/regress/output/tablespace.source 
index 1bbe7e0..e7629d4 100644
--- a/src/test/regress/output/tablespace.source
+++ b/src/test/regress/output/tablespace.source
@@ -908,7 +908,7 @@ CREATE TABLE testschema.tablespace_acl (c int);
 CREATE INDEX k ON testschema.tablespace_acl (c) TABLESPACE regress_tblspace;
 ALTER TABLE testschema.tablespace_acl OWNER TO regress_tablespace_user2;
 SET SESSION ROLE regress_tablespace_user2;
-CREATE TABLE tablespace_table (i int) TABLESPACE regress_tblspace; -- fail
+CREATE TEMP TABLE tablespace_table (i int) TABLESPACE regress_tblspace; -- fail
 ERROR:  permission denied for tablespace regress_tblspace
 ALTER TABLE testschema.tablespace_acl ALTER c TYPE bigint;
 REINDEX (TABLESPACE regress_tblspace) TABLE tablespace_table; -- fail
@@ -934,3 +934,5 @@ drop cascades to table testschema.atable
 drop cascades to table testschema.tablespace_acl
 DROP ROLE regress_tablespace_user1;
 DROP ROLE regress_tablespace_user2;
+-- Rest of this suite can use the public schema freely.
+GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO public;

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