st 14. 4. 2021 v 11:07 odesílatel Oleg Bartunov <>

> On Wed, Apr 14, 2021 at 11:09 AM Pavel Stehule <>
> wrote:
>> st 14. 4. 2021 v 9:57 odesílatel Dmitry Dolgov <>
>> napsal:
>>> > On Wed, Apr 14, 2021 at 09:20:08AM +0200, Pavel Stehule wrote:
>>> > st 14. 4. 2021 v 7:39 odesílatel Joel Jacobson <>
>>> napsal:
>>> >
>>> > > Hi,
>>> > >
>>> > > commit 676887a3 added support for jsonb subscripting.
>>> > >
>>> > > Many thanks for working on this. I really like the improved syntax.
>>> > >
>>> > > I was also hoping for some performance benefits,
>>> > > but my testing shows that
>>> > >
>>> > >    jsonb_value['existing_key'] = new_value;
>>> > >
>>> > > takes just as long time as
>>> > >
>>> > >    jsonb_value := jsonb_set(jsonb_value, ARRAY['existing_key'],
>>> new_value);
>>> > >
>>> > > which is a bit surprising to me. Shouldn't subscripting be a lot
>>> faster,
>>> > > since it could modify the existing data structure in-place? What am I
>>> > > missing here?
>>> > >
>>> >
>>> > no - it doesn't support in-place modification. Only arrays and records
>>> > support it.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > > I came to think of the this new functionality when trying to
>>> optimize some
>>> > > PL/pgSQL code where the bottle-neck turned out to be lots of calls
>>> > > to jsonb_set() for large jsonb objects.
>>> > >
>>> >
>>> > sure - there is big room for optimization. But this patch was big
>>> enough
>>> > without its optimization. And it was not clean, if I will be committed
>>> or
>>> > not (it waited in commitfest application for 4 years). So I accepted
>>> > implemented behaviour (without inplace update). Now, this patch is in
>>> core,
>>> > and anybody can work on others possible optimizations.
>>> Right, jsonb subscripting deals mostly with the syntax part and doesn't
>>> change internal jsonb behaviour. If I understand the original question
>>> correctly, "in-place" here means updating of e.g. just one particular
>>> key within a jsonb object, since jsonb_set looks like an overwrite of
>>> the whole jsonb. If so, then update will still cause the whole jsonb to
>>> be updated, there is no partial update functionality for the on-disk
>>> format. Although there is work going on to optimize this in case when
>>> jsonb is big enough to be put into a toast table (partial toast
>>> decompression thread, or bytea appendable toast).
>> Almost all and almost everywhere Postgres's values are immutable. There
>> is only one exception - runtime plpgsql. "local variables" can hold values
>> of complex values unboxed. Then the repeated update is significantly
>> cheaper. Normal non repeated updates have the same speed, because the value
>> should be unboxed and boxed. Outside plpgsql the values are immutable. I
>> think this is a very hard problem, how to update big toasted values
>> effectively, and I am not sure if there is a solution. TOAST value is
>> immutable. It needs to introduce some alternative to TOAST. The benefits
>> are clear - it can be nice to have fast append arrays for time series. But
>> this is a very different topic.
> I and Nikita are working on OLTP jsonb



>> Regards
>> Pavel
> --
> Postgres Professional:
> The Russian Postgres Company

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