On Thursday, April 29, 2021 3:18 PM, Dilip Kumar <dilipbal...@gmail.com> wrote

>I tried to think about how to write a test case for this scenario, but
>I think it will not be possible to generate an automated test case for this.  
>Basically, we need 2 concurrent transactions and out of that,
>we need one transaction which just has processed only one change i.e
>XLOG_HEAP2_NEW_CID and another transaction should overflow the logical
>decoding work mem, so that we select the wrong transaction which
>doesn't have the base snapshot.  But how to control that the
>transaction which is performing the DDL just write the
>XLOG_HEAP2_NEW_CID wal and before it writes any other WAL we should
>get the WAl from other transaction which overflows the buffer.

Thanks for your updating.
Actually, I tried to make the automated test for the problem, too. But made no 
process on this.
Agreed on your opinion " not be possible to generate an automated test case for 
this ".

If anyone figure out a good solution for the test automation of this case. 
Please be kind to share that with us. Thanks.


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