On Wed, May 5, 2021, at 20:45, Tom Lane wrote:
> "Joel Jacobson" <j...@compiler.org <mailto:joel%40compiler.org>> writes:
> > I think you misunderstood the problem.
> > I don't want the entire file to be considered a single value.
> > I want each line to become its own row, just a row with a single column.
> > So I actually think COPY seems like a perfect match for the job,
> > since it does precisely that, except there is no delimiter in this case.
> Well, there's more to it than just the column delimiter.
> * What about \N being converted to NULL?
> * What about \. being treated as EOF?
> * Do you want to turn off the special behavior of backslash (ESCAPE)
>   altogether?
> * What about newline conversions (\r\n being seen as just \n, etc)?
> I'm inclined to think that "use pg_read_file and then split at newlines"
> might be a saner answer than delving into all these fine points.
> Not least because people yell when you add cycles to the COPY
> inner loops.

Thanks for providing strong arguments why the COPY approach is a dead-end, I 

However, as demonstrated in my previous email, using

   string_to_table(pg_read_file( filename ), E'\n')

has its performance as well as max size issues.

Maybe these two problems could be solved by combining the two functions into 

   file_to_table ( filename text, delimiter text [, null_string text ] ) → 
setof text

I'm thinking thanks to returning "setof text", such a function could read a 
and return a line as soon as a delimiter is encountered, not having to keep
the entire file in memory at any time.


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