Bruce Momjian <> writes:
> OK, I moved the entry into 'data types', and listed two entries instead
> of one:
>       <para>
>       Allow extensions and built-in data types to implement subscripting (Tom 
> Lane)
>       </para>

Better, but Dmitry Dolgov gets the credit not me.

>       <para>
>       Previously subscript handling was hard-coded into the server and
>       was difficult to add to date types.
>       </para>
>       </listitem>

"Difficult"?  I don't think it was possible at all.  Perhaps

        Previously subscript handling was hard-coded into the server,
        so that subscripting could only be applied to array types.
        This change allows subscript notation to be used to extract
        or assign portions of a value of any type for which the concept
        makes sense.

>       JSONB subscripting can be used to extract from and assign to
>       JSONB documents.

Perhaps "extract and assign to portions of JSONB documents" or
something like that?

                        regards, tom lane

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