пн, 24 мая 2021 г. в 09:22, Greg Nancarrow <gregn4...@gmail.com>:

> On Mon, May 24, 2021 at 2:50 PM Michael Paquier <mich...@paquier.xyz>
> wrote:
> >
> > On Mon, May 24, 2021 at 12:04:37PM +1000, Greg Nancarrow wrote:
> > > Keep cfbot happy, use the PG14 patch as latest.
> >
> > This stuff is usually very tricky.
> Agreed. That's why I was looking for experts in this snapshot-handling
> code, to look closer at this issue, check my proposed fix, come up
> with a better solution etc.
> >Do we have a way to reliably
> > reproduce the report discussed here?

Using a recipe similar to what has been described above in the thread, I
reliably reproduced the bug in many Postgres versions. (v.11, v.13 etc.).
1. Make & make install
2. Make check
3. run  SubTransGetTopmostTransaction-rep.sh in the Postgres source code

The test fails with coredumps in around 10 minutes. With applied fix has
never failed yet.
(Though transaction snapshots kitchen is indeed tricky and I am not 100%
sure the fix does right thing which is safe in all circumstances)

export PATH="$PGBIN:$PATH"
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$PGROOT/usr/local/pgsql/lib"
rm -rf "$PGDB"; $PGBIN/initdb -D "$PGDB"

#echo -e "session_pool_size=2" >> $PGDB/postgresql.auto.conf
echo "
#  fsync=off
max_connections = 2000
max_parallel_workers = 100
max_worker_processes = 128

" >> $PGDB/postgresql.auto.conf

$PGBIN/pg_ctl -w -t 5 -D "$PGDB" -l server.log start
$PGBIN/createdb test
export PGDATABASE=test
$PGBIN/psql -f init_test.sql
$PGBIN/psql -t -c "SELECT version()"
# $PGBIN/pgbench -n -r -f .../sub_120.sql -c 200 -j 200 -T 120
$PGBIN/pgbench -n -r -f sub_120.sql -c 25 -j 25 -T 1800
$PGBIN/pg_ctl -w -t 5 -D "$PGDB" stop
sleep 2

Attachment: init_test.sql
Description: Binary data

Attachment: sub_120.sql
Description: Binary data

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