st 2. 6. 2021 v 14:46 odesílatel Joel Jacobson <> napsal:

> On Wed, Jun 2, 2021, at 09:07, Pavel Stehule wrote:
> st 2. 6. 2021 v 8:45 odesílatel Joel Jacobson <> napsal:
> 'search_path' is a bit like a global variable in C, that can change the
> behaviour of the SQL commands executed.
> It makes unqualified SQL code context-sensitive; you don't know by looking
> at a piece of code what objects are referred to, you also need to figure
> out what the active search_path is at this place in the code.
> sometimes this is wanted feature - some sharding is based on this
> set search_path = 'custormerx'
> Oh, interesting, didn't know abou that one. Is that recommended best
> practise, or more of a hack?

I have not any statistics, but I think it was relatively common until we
had good partitioning.  I know two big customers from Czech Republic.

Some people use schema as a database - without overhead of system catalogue
and without necessity of reconnects to other databases.

Using search_path is very common for applications ported from Oracle.

> I also think we can never get rid of search_path by default, since so much
> legacy depend on it.
> But I think it would be good to provide a way to effectively uninstall the
> search_path for users who prefer to do so, in databases where it's
> possible, and where clarity and safety is desired.
> 'public' schema if used (without ever changing the default 'search_path'),
> allows creating unqualified database objects, which I think can be useful
> in at least three situations:
> 1) when the application is a monolith inside a company, when there is only
> one version of the database, i.e. not having to worry about name collision
> with other objects in some other version, since the application is hidden
> in the company and the schema design is not exposed to the public
> 2) when installing a extension that uses schemas, when wanting the
> convenience of unqualified access to some functions frequently used,
> instead of adding its schema to the search_path for convenience, one can
> instead add wrapper-functions in the 'public' schema. This way, all
> internal functions in the extension, that are not meant to be executed by
> users, are still hidden in its schema and won't bother anyone (i.e. can't
> cause unexpected conflicts). Of course, access can also be controlled via
> REVOKE EXECUTE ... FROM PUBLIC for such internal functions, which is
> probably a good idea as well.
> In a similar way, specific tables in the extension's schema can be made
> unqualified as well by adding simple views, installed in the public schema,
> if insisting on unqualified convenience.
> In conclusion:
> The main difference is 'public' makes it possible to make *specific*
> objects unqualified,
> while 'search_path' makes *all* objects in such schema(s) unqualified.
> These arguments are valid, but I think so it is not all. If you remove
> search_path, then the "public" schema will be overused.
> What makes you think that? If a database object is to be accessed
> unqualified by all users, isn't the 'public' schema a perfect fit for it?
> How will it be helpful to create different database objects in different
> schemas, if also adding all such schemas to the search_path so they can be
> accessed unqualified? In such a scenario you risk unintentionally creating
> conflicting objects, and whatever schema happened to be first in the
> search_path will be resolved. Seems insecure and messy to me.
> Much safer to install objects that you want to access unqualified in
> 'public', and get an error if you try to create a new object with a
> conflicting name of an existing one.

I think people usually prefer simple solutions -  like use for all public
or use for all schemas.

> I think we should ask - who can change the search path and how. Now, there
> are not any limits. I can imagine the situation when search_path can be
> changed by only some dedicated role - it can be implemented in a security
> definer function. Or another solution, we can fix the search path to one
> value, or only a few possibilities.
> Maybe for your purpose is just enough to introduce syntax for defining all
> possibilities of search path:
> search_path = "public" # now, just default
> search_path = ["public"] # future - define vector of possible values of
> search path - in this case, only "public" is allowed - and if you want to
> change it, you should be database owner
> or there can be hook for changing search_path, and it can be implemented
> dynamically in extension
> Not bad ideas. I think they would improve the situation. Maybe it could
> even be a global immutable constant value, the same for all users, that
> could only be set upon initdb, similar to how encoding can only be set via
> initdb.
> initdb --search_path "pg_catalog, public, pg_temp" foobar
> But perhaps the search_path as an uninstallable extension is a less
> invasive idea.
> Looking at the code, this seems to be the commit that introduced
> search_path back in 2002:
> I'm not sure how difficult it would be to extract search_path into an
> extension.
> Doesn't look to be that much code. Here is the initial commit that
> introduced the concept.
> But perhaps it's more complex today due to new dependencies.
> commit 838fe25a9532ab2e9b9b7517fec94e804cf3da81
> Author: Tom Lane <>
> Date:   Mon Apr 1 03:34:27 2002 +0000
>     Create a new GUC variable search_path to control the namespace search
>     path.  The default behavior if no per-user schemas are created is that
>     all users share a 'public' namespace, thus providing behavior backwards
>     compatible with 7.2 and earlier releases.  Probably the semantics and
>     default setting will need to be fine-tuned, but this is a start.
> But search_path is not the only problem. I think it's also a problem
> objects with the same identifies can be created in both pg_catalog and
> public. Can we think of a valid reason why it is a good idea to continue to
> allow that? In what real-life scenario is it needed?

Probably it has not sense, but there is simple implementation - you can use
just unique index(schema name, object name), and you don't need any other
locks and checks


> /Joel

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