On Tue, Jun 08, 2021 at 11:21:34AM -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> IIUC, what you are proposing to do is replace pgwin32_setenv with
> src/port/setenv.c.  I don't think that's an improvement.  setenv.c
> leaks memory on repeat calls, because it cannot know what
> pgwin32_setenv knows about how putenv works on that platform.

Is gaur the only animal that needs this file, by the way?

> (1) allow just this one ECPG test to include port.h (or
> probably c.h).  However, there's a whole other can of worms
> there, which is that I wonder if we aren't doing it wrong
> on the Unix side by linking libpgport when we shouldn't.
> We've not been bit by that yet, but I wonder if it isn't
> just a matter of time.  The MSVC build, by not linking
> those libs in the first place, is really doing this the
> correct way.

I don't really want to include this stuff in the ECPG tests just to
bypass an environment configuration.

> (2) Let pg_regress_ecpg.c pass down the environment setting.
> (3) Don't try to use the environment variable for this
> purpose.  I'd originally tried to change test5.pgc to just
> specify gssmode=disable in-line, but that only works
> nicely for one of the two failing cases.  The other one
> is testing the case of a completely defaulted connection
> target, so there's no place to add an option without
> breaking the only unique aspect of that test case.

> (2) is starting to seem attractive now that we've seen
> the downsides of (1) and (3).

FWIW, I'd be rather in favor of doing (3) because this remains simple
just to take care of an edge case, even if that partially breaks the
promise to rely on a default connection.

(4) would be to revisit the decision to make libpq report all the
errors stored in its stack with multiple attempts.  That would bring
back the buildfarm to green at least, and we still need to take a
decision about that for 14 anyway as it involves a compatibility
breakage.  But I agree that we also should do something for 12~ for
those tests.

> (BTW, I just noticed that regress.c is unsetenv'ing the
> SSL connection environment variables, but not the GSS ones.
> Seens like that needs work similar to 8279f68a1.)

Yes, I saw that I was able to break things is many fancy ways when
working on 8279f68a1, but the list of parameters to reset needs to
diverge a bit compared to the TAP tests.

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