    >> Can a CI collation be ordered upper case first, or is this a limitation 
of ICU?

    > I don't know the authoritative answer to that, but to me it doesn't make
    > sense, since the effect of a case-insensitive collation is to throw away
    > the third-level weights, so there is nothing left for "upper case first"
    > to operate on.

It wouldn't make sense for the ICU sort key of a CI collation itself because 
the sort keys need to be binary equal, but what the collation of interest does 
is equivalent to adding a secondary "C"-collated expression to the ORDER BY 
clause.  For example:


Is ordered as if the query had been written:

SELECT ... ORDER BY expr COLLATE ci_as, expr COLLATE "C";

    > tailoring rules
    >> yes

It looks like the relevant API call is ucol_openRules(), 
    Interface documented here:
    example usage from C here:

for example:

    /* Test with an expanding character sequence */
    u_uastrcpy(rule, "&a < b < c/abd < d");
    c2 = ucol_openRules(rule, u_strlen(rule), UCOL_OFF, UCOL_DEFAULT_STRENGTH, 
NULL, &status);

and a reordering rule test:

    u_uastrcpy(rule, "&z < AB");
    coll = ucol_openRules(rule, u_strlen(rule), UCOL_OFF, 

that looks encouraging.  It returns a UCollator object, like ucol_open(const 
char *localeString, ...), so it's an alternative to ucol_open().  One of the 
parameters is the equivalent of colStrength, so then the question would be, how 
are the other keyword/value pairs like colCaseFirst, colAlternate, etc. 
specified via the rules argument?  In the same way with the exception of 

e.g. is "colAlternate=shifted;&z < AB" a valid rules string?

The ICU documentation says simply:

" rules A string describing the collation rules. For the syntax of the rules 
please see users guide."

Transform rules are documented here:

But there are no examples of using the keyword/value pairs that may appear in a 
locale string with the transform rules, and there's no locale argument on 
ucol_openRules.  How can the keyword/value pairs that may appear in the locale 
string be applied in combination with tailoring rules (with the exception of 

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