Andrey Lepikhov писал 2021-05-27 07:27:
Next version of the patch.
For searching any problems I forced this patch during 'make check'
tests. Some bugs were found and fixed.

I've tested this patch and haven't found issues, but I have some comments.


1555 /*
1556 * Build RelOptInfo on JOIN of each partition of the outer relation and the inner 1557 * relation. Return List of such RelOptInfo's. Return NIL, if at least one of
1558  * these JOINs are impossible to build.
1559  */
1560 static List *
1561 extract_asymmetric_partitionwise_subjoin(PlannerInfo *root,
1562 RelOptInfo *joinrel, 1563 AppendPath *append_path, 1564 RelOptInfo *inner_rel, 1565 JoinType jointype, 1566 JoinPathExtraData *extra)
1567 {
1568         List            *result = NIL;
1569         ListCell        *lc;
1571         foreach (lc, append_path->subpaths)
1572         {
1573                 Path                    *child_path = lfirst(lc);
1574 RelOptInfo *child_rel = child_path->parent;
1575                 Relids                  child_join_relids;
1576                 Relids                  parent_relids;
1577                 RelOptInfo              *child_join_rel;
1578                 SpecialJoinInfo *child_sjinfo;
1579                 List                    *child_restrictlist;

Variable names - child_join_rel and child_join_relids seem to be inconsistent with rest of the file (I see child_joinrelids in try_partitionwise_join() and child_joinrel in try_partitionwise_join() and get_matching_part_pairs()).

1595                         child_join_rel = build_child_join_rel(root,
1596 child_rel, 1597 inner_rel, 1598 joinrel, 1599 child_restrictlist, 1600 child_sjinfo, 1601 jointype);
1602                         if (!child_join_rel)
1603                         {
1604                                 /*
1605 * If can't build JOIN between inner relation and one of the outer
1606                                  * partitions - return immediately.
1607                                  */
1608                                 return NIL;
1609                         }

When build_child_join_rel() can return NULL?
If I read code correctly, joinrel is created in the begining of build_child_join_rel() with makeNode(), makeNode() wraps newNode() and newNode() uses MemoryContextAllocZero()/MemoryContextAllocZeroAligned(), which would error() on alloc() failure.

1638 static bool
1639 is_asymmetric_join_capable(PlannerInfo *root,
1640 RelOptInfo *outer_rel, 1641 RelOptInfo *inner_rel, 1642 JoinType jointype)
1643 {

Function misses a comment.

1656         /*
1657          * Don't allow asymmetric JOIN of two append subplans.
1658 * In the case of a parameterized NL join, a reparameterization procedure will
1659          * lead to large memory allocations and a CPU consumption:
1660 * each reparameterize will induce subpath duplication, creating new 1661 * ParamPathInfo instance and increasing of ppilist up to number of partitions 1662 * in the inner. Also, if we have many partitions, each bitmapset 1663 * variable will large and many leaks of such variable (caused by relid
1664          * replacement) will highly increase memory consumption.
1665          * So, we deny such paths for now.
1666          */

Missing word:
each bitmapset variable will large => each bitmapset variable will be large

1694         foreach (lc, outer_rel->pathlist)
1695         {
1696                 AppendPath *append_path = lfirst(lc);
1698                 /*
1699 * MEMO: We assume this pathlist keeps at least one AppendPath that 1700 * represents partitioned table-scan, symmetric or asymmetric 1701 * partition-wise join. It is not correct right now, however, a hook 1702 * on add_path() to give additional decision for path removal allows 1703 * to retain this kind of AppendPath, regardless of its cost.
1704                  */
1705                 if (IsA(append_path, AppendPath))

What hook do you refer to?


282         /*
283 * Adjust RT indexes of AppendRelInfos and add to final appendrels list. 284 * We assume the AppendRelInfos were built during planning and don't need
285          * to be copied.
286          */
287         foreach(lc, root->append_rel_list)
288         {
289 AppendRelInfo *appinfo = lfirst_node(AppendRelInfo, lc);
290                 AppendRelInfo *newappinfo;
292 /* flat copy is enough since all valuable fields are scalars */ 293 newappinfo = (AppendRelInfo *) palloc(sizeof(AppendRelInfo));
294                 memcpy(newappinfo, appinfo, sizeof(AppendRelInfo));

You've changed function to copy appinfo, so now comment is incorrect.

588 /* Construct relids set for the immediate parent of the given child. */
589         normal_relids = bms_copy(child_relids);
590         for (cnt = 0; cnt < nappinfos; cnt++)
591         {
592                 AppendRelInfo *appinfo = appinfos[cnt];
594 parent_relids = bms_add_member(parent_relids, appinfo->parent_relid); 595 normal_relids = bms_del_member(normal_relids, appinfo->child_relid);
596         }
597         parent_relids = bms_union(parent_relids, normal_relids);

Do I understand correctly that now parent_relids also contains relids of relations from 'global' inner relation, which we join to childs?

Best regards,
Alexander Pyhalov,
Postgres Professional

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