On Tue, Jun 22, 2021 at 2:53 AM Tomas Vondra
<tomas.von...@enterprisedb.com> wrote:
> Yeah, I like the insurance analogy - it gets to the crux of the problem,
> because insurance is pretty much exactly about managing risk.

The user's exposure to harm is what truly matters. I admit that that's
very hard to quantify, but we should at least try to do so.

We sometimes think about a plan that is 10x slower as if it's
infinitely slow, or might as well be. But it's usually not like that
-- it is generally meaningfully much better than the plan being 100x
slower, which is itself sometimes appreciably better than 1000x
slower. And besides, users often don't get anything like the optimal
plan, even on what they would consider to be a good day (which is most
days). So maybe 10x slower is actually the baseline good case already,
without anybody knowing it. Most individual queries are not executed
very often, even on the busiest databases. The extremes really do
matter a lot.

If a web app or OLTP query is ~10x slower than optimal then it might
be the practical equivalent of an outage that affects the query alone
(i.e. "infinitely slow") -- but probably not. I think that it is worth
paying more than nothing to avoid plans that are so far from optimal
that they might as well take forever to execute. This is not
meaningfully different from a database outage affecting one particular
query. It kind of is in a category of its own that surpasses "slow
plan", albeit one that is very difficult or impossible to define

There may be a huge amount of variation in risk tolerance among
basically reasonable people. For example, if somebody chooses to
engage in some kind of extreme sport, to me it seems understandable.
It's just not my cup of tea. Whereas if somebody chooses to never wear
a seatbelt while driving, then to me they're simply behaving
foolishly. They're not willing to incur the tiniest inconvenience in
order to get a huge reduction in potential harm -- including a very
real risk of approximately the worst thing that can happen to you.
Sure, refusing to wear a seatbelt can theoretically be classified as
just another point on the risk tolerance spectrum, but that seems
utterly contrived to me. Some things (maybe not that many) really are
like that, or can at least be assumed to work that way as a practical

> But making
> everything slower will be a hard sell, because wast majority of
> workloads already running on Postgres don't have this issue at all, so
> for them it's not worth the expense.

I think that we're accepting too much risk here. But I bet it's also
true that we're not taking enough risk in other areas. That was really
my point with the insurance analogy -- we can afford to take lots of
individual risks as long as they don't increase our exposure to truly
disastrous outcomes -- by which I mean queries that might as well take
forever to execute as far as the user is concerned. (Easier said than
done, of course.)

A simple trade-off between fast and robust doesn't seem like a
universally helpful thing. Sometimes it's a very unhelpful way of
looking at the situation. If you make something more robust to extreme
bad outcomes, then you may have simultaneously made it *faster* (not
slower) for all practical purposes. This can happen when the increase
in robustness allows the user to tune the system aggressively, and
only take on new risks that they can truly live with (which wouldn't
have been possible without the increase in robustness). For example, I
imagine that the failsafe mechanism added to VACUUM will actually make
it possible to tune VACUUM much more aggressively -- it might actually
end up significantly improving performance for all practical purposes,
even though technically it has nothing to do with performance.

Having your indexes a little more bloated because the failsafe
kicked-in is a survivable event -- the DBA lives to fight another day,
and *learns* to tune vacuum/the app so it doesn't happen again and
again. An anti-wraparound failure is perhaps not a survivable event --
the DBA gets fired. This really does seem like a fundamental
difference to me.

> Following the insurance analogy,
> selling tornado insurance in Europe is mostly pointless.

Principled skepticism of this kind of thing is of course necessary and
welcome. It *could* be taken too far.

> And the lack of data also plays role - the insurance company will ask
> for higher rates when it does not have enough accurate data about the
> phenomenon, or when there's a lot of unknowns. Maybe this would allow
> some basic measure of uncertainty, based on the number and type of
> restrictions, joins, etc.

I don't think that you can really model uncertainty. But you can have
true certainty (or close to it) about a trade-off that makes the
system fundamentally more robust over time. You can largely be certain
about both the cost of the insurance, as well as how it ameliorates
the problem in at least some cases.

> So maybe some fairly rough measure of uncertainty might work, and the
> user might specify how much risk it's willing to tolerate.

I think that most or all of the interesting stuff is where you have
this extreme asymmetry -- places where it's much more likely to be
true that basically everybody wants that. Kind of like wearing
seatbelts -- things that we really can claim are a universal good
without too much controversy. There might be as few as one or two
things in the optimizer that this could be said of. But they matter.

Peter Geoghegan

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